dinsdag 7 juli 2015

Glasses used to make life easier for the elderly.

Source; www.inavateonthenet.net/

A 1.2 million euro research project at the Cluster of Excellence Cognitive Interactive Technology (CITEC) in Bielefeld University, Germany, has created a pair of smart glasses designed to help elderly people live more self-sufficient lives. The project, called ADAMAAS (Adaptive and Mobile Action Assistance in Daily Living Activities), uses intelligent glasses that provide intuitive support in everyday situations. The technology platform is being provided by eye-tracking specialist SensoMotoric Instruments.

The system will be able to identify problems in actual action processes, to react when mistakes are made, as well as to display situation and context dependent assistance in textual, visual or avatar based formats superimposed on a transparent virtual plane in the users’ field of view.

"ADAMAAS is the first adaptive and mobile assistance system that supports users in everyday action processes," says Professor Dr. Thomas Schack, who leads the research group Neurocognition and Action – Biomechanics (NCA) at CITEC.

The system will be able to identify problems in actual action processes and provide situation, context and specific help comment and hints on the virtual display in the users’ field of view in order to support the successful completion of an action. The glasses are meant to provide assistance for activities such as baking a cake, making coffee, repairing a bicycle, or even practicing yoga. ADAMAAS is particularly focused on elderly or disabled people. With the help of the assistive glasses, the hope is that these people will be able to live a self-sufficient life in an age appropriate way according to their mental and physical capabilities.

"In this project, different technologies are being combined, including memory research, eye tracking and vital parameter measurements (such as pulse or heart rate), object and action recognition (Computer Vision), as well as Augmented Reality with modern diagnostics and corrective intervention techniques," explains CITEC researcher Thomas Schack.

The goal of ADAMAAS is to get from a stationary diagnostic system to a mobile, dynamical- adaptive action support and monitoring system which is able to react to failures, to provide individualised prompting feedback for action support and to learn from experts on one hand and about the individual behavior of the user on the other hand. This distinguishes it from conventional head-mounted displays.

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