The show was designed by world-renowned director David Atkins, an esteemed public event organiser, and his company, David Atkins Enterprises (DAE). The technical implementation of the show’s visual element was handled by ETC
As with their previous works, ETC’s team of professionals used powerful high-intensity Christie 3-chip DLP projectors. A total of 81 projectors were used for the Alfa-Show 4D: a record in today’s video mapping industry. To cover the entire facade, including its lateral surfaces, fifteen Christie Roadie HD+30K projectors with luminous flux intensity of 30,000 NSI lumens and 66 Christie Roadster S+20K projectors with luminous flux intensity of 20,000 ANSI lumens were divided into several groups and installed in towers erected specifically for the show.
Alfa Bank 4D from Christie on Vimeo.
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