woensdag 31 juli 2013

InfoComm 2013 Awards: Best Overall New Product: Christie D4K3560

Bron; www.ravepubs.com

Best Overall New Product: Christie D4K3560
The Christie D4K3560 is a 35,000 lumen, native 4K (4096×2160) resolution projector can handle 4K resolution material at 60Hz – the only projector that can (nearly every 4K demo on the InfoComm 2013 show floor was displaying 4K at 30Hz). Here are all the specs

Christie’s Kyle Killing Speaks with Chris Chinnock About the D4K3560

dinsdag 30 juli 2013

Laser Phosphor Display (LPD) how it works.

Laser Phosphor Display, or LPD, is the groundbreaking display technology and large format display platform invented by Prysm. It is the core of all Prysm Digital Display Solutions, and to many, it represents the next generation of large format digital displays. LPD consists of 3 main parts: the Laser Engine, the Laser Processor, and the Phosphor

Apple patent paves way for projector powered mobile collaboration.

bron; www.inavateonthenet.net

Apple is looking to integrate pico projectors and gesture control tech into future iOS devices according to reports from the company’s blog, Patently Apple. The development will allow users with Apple devices to create projected shared workspaces that can be manipulated by gestures from a number of participants. The developments suggest that Apple is determined to push its already popular iPad further into the enterprise space.

The company also details gesture technology that can interpret shadow and silhouette gesturing associated with presentations in darkened environments.

The revelation came as the technology giant was granted a patent for an invention that “relates to electronic devices with projected displays that may be in communication with one another to form a shared workspace”.

maandag 29 juli 2013

Geconcentreerde laser op kampvuur.

Bron; www.zie.nl 

Geconcentreerde laser op kampvuur is beeldschoon
Een bijzonder effect ontstaat zodra deze geconcentreerde laser op een vuurtje wordt gericht.


Nature conservation consciousness through interactivity.

LM3LABS completed an educative project for the Gifu City Science Museum for improving nature consciousness among kids (…and hopefully grownups)

+ The Issue
 The Gifu Museum came to LM3LABS with an issue to solve: “We have a beautiful landscape in the Gifu Prefecture. We want to educate local children on nature protection. All our tries with traditional media like posters, books or movies were not really successful.” Indeed, kids cannot “enter” into the content. Their attention rate is too low. Curators also complained about the huge gap between the museum urban atmosphere and the real nature. It was not clearly mentioned by the curators but we quickly understood that Gifu fishes are no clown fishes, sharks and dolphins but pretty dull animals which are not amazingly attractive to normal people.

 + The Proposition
 We propose to immerse and engage visitors into an experience that would be as close as possible to the “natural” experience. It had to be playful too. We created a 5×5 meter interactive floor, based on Catchyoo and displaying 15 types of local fishes moving at their real pace, acting as they would do in real life. Some fishes swim in bank, others have hectic motions. Each fish type has been carefully reproduced. Instead of using words telling how the species “act” in real life, we just recreated them. Kids can walk on the surface. Fishes try to avoid them as they would do in a river (well, we had to make them friendlier, we are in Japan…). Kids can touch the fishes and their names appear on top of them. Kids can learn names while trying to catch the fishes.

 + The Result
 The installation is a great success and it turned to be the main attraction of the museum. We could not measure scientifically how kids memorise fishes names but with an average 15 mn on the interactive floor, they, for sure, learn more than with posters.

zondag 28 juli 2013

De optimale kijkafstand voor Ultra HD TV.

Wat is de optimale kijkafstand voor Ultra HD TV

18 juli 2013  door Hans Wind
Bron; www.hdtvnieuws.nl
Wat is de optimale kijkafstand voor Ultra HD TV

Op dit moment zijn er Full HD TV’s op de markt in beeldformaten vanaf 22-inch tot 90 inch. Al deze TV schermen hebben, los van hun verschillende beeldformaten, allemaal hetzelfde aantal beeldpunten van 1.920 x 1.080. Dat is nu eenmaal de resolutie van Full HD.
Inmiddels beginnen de eerste Ultra HD of 4K schermen op de markt te komen en die hebben een 4 maal hogere resolutie met 3.840 x 2.160 beeldpunten. Dat is dus 4 maal meer beeldpunten dan Full HD. Je kunt je afvragen wat de optimale kijkafstand bij Ultra HD zou moeten zijn om te profiteren van deze hogere resolutie. In dit artikel kijken we daar naar. Overigens praten we wat betreft Megapixels nog steeds “maar” over 2 Megapixels bij Full HD en 8 Megapixels bij Ultra HD.
Veel eigenaren van een Full HD TV zien op dit moment in feite nooit de maximale beeldkwaliteit die hun TV te bieden heeft. Daar is één belangrijke reden voor: ze zitten eenvoudig te ver weg van hun Full HD scherm.

HD TV Kijkafstand

Zoals we allemaal weten loopt het vermogen van onze ogen om details te onderscheiden terug naarmate de afstand van oog tot onderwerp toeneemt. Dat fenomeen is bij TV kijken natuurlijk niet anders. Er is dan ook een optimale kijkafstand te bepalen waarbij we niet meer de individuele beeldpunten op zich waarnemen, maar wel zo veel mogelijk details op het scherm kunnen onderscheiden. Voor een Full HD scherm ligt die afstand rond een waarde van 3 maal de beeldhoogte. Dat betekent voor een 50 inch HD TV scherm een afstand van ongeveer 190 centimeter. Zelfs wanneer we 4x de beeldhoogte zouden rekenen is dat nog altijd 250cm en we weten uit de praktijk dat zeer weinig kijkers op die afstand van de TV zitten.

Ultra HD TV kijkafstand

Dat is dus de situatie bij HD TV maar laten we nu eens kijken naar de belofte van Ultra HD TV. Vooraf moet wel even gesteld worden dat de Ultra HD standaard meer biedt dan “alleen” 4x meer beeldpunten. Bij Ultra HD is namelijk ook de zogenaamde kleurruimte groter, waardoor betere kleurweergave mogelijk is. Daarnaast worden hogere framerates mogelijk waardoor minder bewegingsonscherpte optreedt. We kijken in het kader van dit artikel even alleen naar het nut of effect van de hogere beeldresolutie.
Wanneer we ons nog even het voorbeeld van de 50 inch HD TV voor de geest halen en we stellen ons vervolgens een 100 inch Ultra HD TV voor, dan zou je die 100-incher kunnen zien als vier Full HD Tv’s in een opstelling van 2 horizontaal en 2 verticaal. Dat laat zien dat de beeldpuntgrootte van de 100 inch Ultra HD TV nog steeds gelijk is aan die van een 50 inch Full HD TV met de bijbehorende kijkafstand van 190-250 cm. Voor een 50 inch Ultra HD TV zou de optimale kijkafstand nu rond 1 meter liggen. De vraag is hoeveel mensen op die afstand van hun Ultra HD TV zullen gaan zitten om optimaal van het beeld te genieten.
In de praktijk betekent dat dus dat we met Ultra HD TV dezelfde kant op zullen gaan als nu bij HD TV: de meeste kijker zien in de praktijk nooit de werkelijke scherpte van het beeld.
Nu zijn er natuurlijk veel meer overwegingen voor de aankoop van een groter TV scherm. Een belangrijke reden is bijvoorbeeld om het mogelijk te maken met meer mensen onder een redelijke kijkhoek TV te kijken. Ook is het zo dat een groot scherm meer een bioscoopgevoel kan oproepen bij het kijken naar films. Daarnaast biedt Ultra HD TV, zoals eerder opgemerkt nog een aantal andere voordelen zoals betere kleurweergave en hogere framerates.
Het is overigens nog wel even wachten op beelddragers die geschikt zijn voor Ultra HD, om nog maar niet te spreken over reguliere TV uitzendingen in dat formaat die in ons land nog jaren op zich zullen laten wachten.
N.B. In de onderstaande grafiek hebben we gerekend met een kijkafstand van 3,2x de beeldhoogte van het scherm voor Full HD resolutie.

Ultra HD TV kijkafstand grafiek


vrijdag 26 juli 2013

Google's Futuristic Airport Billboards.

Google's new Australian campaign for the revamped Google Play shop lets users download music and games from airport billboards via NFC.

Google is testing out a new Australian pilot campaign which lets users download media and Android apps from airport billboards.

The new signs at domestic airports in Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane were created for Google by agency Ooh Media and are part of a growing trend by airports to use NFC technology. According to travel agency industry, anything that reduces lines at check-in and in-airport retailers is a good thing, so why not check in via NFC or buy on-flight entertainment via NFC?
The billboards use Red Crystal software to beam content onto users' phones. Warwick Derby of Ooh told NFC World that "the Google Play campaign iBlog weergevens Ooh's most unique use of NFC, QR, and Red Crystal technology to allow consumers to control a screen without needing to download an app. They can select the content they want displayed on the big advertising screens and then download movies, magazines, books, music or games from the Google Play Store immediately to their Android device."

woensdag 24 juli 2013

Ziphius; drone voor onderwaterfotografie en video.

Er zijn al drones te krijgen waarmee je de wereld vanuit de lucht kunt vastleggen. De Ziphius pakt het net even anders aan; met deze drone kun je onderwater foto's en video's maken. De Ziphius bestuur je via je smartphone of tablet.

Momenteel is de drone nog niet gereed voor grootschalig verkoop, er is wel een prototype beschikbaar. Via een Kickstarter project hebben de makers 125.000 dollar binnen gehaald om een productlijn op te zetten. Via het crowdfunding platform is de Ziphius momenteel nog voor 199 dollar aan te schaffen.
De Ziphius kan overigens niet duiken; hij vaart over het water en kan daarbij zijn camera wel onder water laten filmen. De camera kan roteren waardoor je als gebruiker zelf kan kiezen voor beelden boven of onder de waterlijn.

De drone moet straks een uur lang kunnen varen op één accu lading. Het bereik is 100 meter en de Ziphius kan met een snelheid van maximaal 10 kilometer per uur varen. De ingebouwde camera schiet 720p beelden. Natuurlijk zijn de beelden ook direct door te sluizen naar Social Media sites.

Happy as a duck

HoloStation, Lifelike Images in Small Spaces.

The Christie HoloStation, a fully self-contained, personal visualization system that provides ultra high performance 3D and high resolution display for an immersive experience in small spaces and for ‘on-the-go’.
steriograph“With its low maintenance and low cost of ownership, the HoloStation system is one of the most affordable immersive display solutions on the market,” says Larry Paul, senior director of Technology and Visualization Solutions, Christie. “Its portability and compact footprint contains all the components required to operate a personal immersive visual display for scientific research or oil and gas exploration, among many other applications.”

The Christie HoloStation comes complete with projection displays, screens, tracking and interactive technology and displays up to 16.8 Megapixels of data in a 3D stereoscopic and interactive, tracked environment. It provides the functionalities of a full-size Christie CAVE, but in a scaled down (85” x 108” x 101” footprint), completely self-contained personal immersive environment that fits into a standard office or cubicle.
The Christie HoloStation can be set up in almost any facility, and with its head-tracking sensors and interactive tools, it is ideal for applications including aircraft design development, architectural walk-throughs and product design reviews, maintenance and service training, medical training and as a 3D virtual trainer.
The HoloStation system showcased at SIGGRAPH 2013, July 23-25, in Anaheim, California, is powered by four Christie Mirage 3D projectors that deliver high resolution and rich pixel density, as well as continuous system calibration, in a small footprint unit capable of advanced 2D-3D visualizations. The compact, four-sided Christie HoloStation system allows visitors at the booth to become fully immersed and interact using the controls. The tracking system enables the 3D models to change their perspective at the slightest turn of the user’s body, making the virtual reality as close to real life as possible.
The workstation is affordable for companies whose daily tasks involve research, exploration and training, whether on the manufacturing floor or in a cubicle.


By harnessing gaze-tracking and proximity detection a prototype display created by SRI International could herald a new dawn in the intuitive abilities of interactive touch screens. The firm, which is owned by Apple, has created a prototype under its bRIGHT project banner that it describes as a new human-machine interaction paradigm. The system has been designed for an age where the average individual is bombarded with many different types of data at once.
Bron; www.inavateonthenet.net

It aims to streamline the flow of this information by detecting where the user has their eyes – and attentions – focused. The company describe this as a means to overcome the ‘last meter bandwidth’; the bottleneck between human and machine that occurs when the benefits of technology are slowed by the cognitive limitations of the human user.

The user interface harnesses cognitive modeling, proximity detection, gaze-tracking and task automation to operate. It aims to present the user with the tools they need while automating repetitive tasks either fully or partly.

For instance, if the system detects the user’s gaze on a notification window the duration of the gaze would trigger relevant controls to appear beneath the user’s hands.

If the notification is not visible to the user, bRIGHT will bring it into view. If the user does not show interest in the notification, as determined by the duration of their gaze, it will register disinterest and hide the window without further action.

Using CALO (Cognitive Assistant that Learns and Organises) software, versions of which have appeared in several Apple products, task automation is also possible. bRIGHT would turn a request within an incoming email into a notification which can be accepted or rejected by the user – updating the calendar if needed.

In the future, bRIGHT will boast a control interface that consists of a polymorphic layer over a traditional plasma or LCD display. The current opaque prototype of a dynamic control surface has 60 taxels, or keys, that can be lowered or raised and latched into position. This surface can act like a keyboard if all keys are raised it can also be a touchpad when all keys are in the lowered position.

The framework has been implemented across a range of platforms from tablets to large, multitouch displays. The prototype was created using a standard HD display, webcams, an IR gaze tracking system and a workstation consisting of a table-height touch panel. Beneath the display there are several IR sensors for detecting multiple touches, proximity detection and to register gestures.

dinsdag 23 juli 2013

Talking about pervasive displays

Talk of pervasive displays has yet to reach everyday
conversation. So what are they?

The pervasive display requires you to forget about the well
loved world of mobiles and desktops and step into a sci-fi
looking future where devices, surfaces and sensors seamlessly
co-operate and interact. The desktop is now just the tabletop
and the content being looked at on the tabletop can be pinged
onto Google Glass like products blurring the lines of human
computer interaction and minimising the fragmentation
between us and our digital identities.

Don’t get us wrong, this isn’t going to be in the public domain in
the next year. But it’s not only possible, it’s inevitable and there
are just two areas holding it back; global internet access and
public fears around security/invasion of privacy. The internet
barrier is already being broken down as Project Loon highlighted ,
but the issues of security and privacy that
could slow the process down in the short term.
We know that brands can get people interacting with new
technology for an obvious and easily retrievable reward and
we need to keep pushing the boundaries of possibility and help
shape the technology available to OOH in the future.

More information here


maandag 22 juli 2013

Video Wall With the Shape of a Tennis Racket Promotes Innovation.

eyevis accompanied the presentation of the Babolat Play connected racket prototype of the French manufacturer Babolat VS S.A. during the French Open 2013 from 21st of May to 9th of June 2013 at Roland Garros, Paris. With a racket shaped video wall consisting of nine eyevis omniSHAPES the innovative tennis racket was promoted in the heart of a presentation stand at the tennis tournament.


The Babolat Play racket is Babolat’s newest innovation. The connected racket collects game data every time it hits the ball. Thus the player gets information to analyze his game. On the presentation area at Roland Garros Babolat also shows its history of continuous innovations in tennis since the invention of the first tennis strings in 1875.

omniSHAPES promote Babolat’s newest innovation
Thanks to the unique flexibility of the eyevis omniSHAPES a video wall, shaped like a tennis racket, could be realised. The handle consisted of a 1×3 base of omniSHAPES. On top a 2×3 set of omniSHAPES was attached. To give the set a “round” shape like the head of a racket, the outside corners used omniSHAPES with cut-off corners. This customized video wall was used to show a tweets animation where every visitor could answer the question: “What do you expect of the Babolat Play racket?” Each tweet was first displayed in a prominent position in the upper region of the racket’s head. With every new tweet the previous one slid down and became part of the visual stringing. This way the innovation of the Babolat Play racket was linked to the first Babolat invention: strings

A racket shaped video wall – there is no way around omniSHAPES
To build the racket shaped wall it was necessary to develop a structure that allows you to put a set of 2×3 monitors onto a base that is only one display wide. Additionally it had to be possible to use displays not only with a rectangular shape but also with cut off corners. This was only realizable with eyevis omniSHAPES. Thanks to its modular concept and the possibility to use multiple shapes for the displays the omniSHAPES are predestined for individual installations and designs like the Babolat tennis racket.
Because of the very tight timetable the eyevis design engineers had only four days for the design and the construction of this video wall configuration. Thanks to the standardized components and the widespread experience of the eyevis design engineers with creative and customized video walls this was feasible. To realize the T-shaped connection between the handle and the head of the video wall eyevis offers standardized connection plates for horizontal steps, for example. So it was easy to build a two display wide set of omniSHAPES onto a one display wide base. The customer also wanted to connect sidepanels to the omniSHAPES. Thus the eyevis design engineers developed new connection plates between the SHAPES that could also hold the side and rear panels of the construction. This way the racket shaped video wall could be built within the tight time frame.

vrijdag 19 juli 2013

Mark Cavendish unveils New Logo With Projection Mapping.

Top cyclist Mark Cavendish, 'the fastest man on two wheels', revealed his new logo at a press event featuring a fast-paced video-mapped bike.

The launch took place in the Icetank venue in London's Covent Garden and was produced by the project's appointed creative agency, the Lift Agency. A Specialized bike, previously ridden by Cavendish in some of the Giro D'Italia race stages, was hung on the wall and video-mapped using Cavendish's signature emerald hue. Incorporating design features from the bike and footage of Cavendish winning races, the mapping show gave the illustion that the stationary bike was travelling fast. Finally, the new CVNDSH logo was revealed with a dramatic green flash.

woensdag 17 juli 2013

The BodyKinectizer.

It was only a matter of time before 3D sensing technology became part of the dressing room experience. Adidas Group Global IT is leading the digital charge toward creating a more interactive shopping process with the BodyKinectizer body scanner and CyberFit interactive fitting room. A state-of-the-art body scanner, the BodyKinectizer allows you to virtually dress either at home or in-store. This process involves scanning a customer and displaying the scan on screen for virtual dressing. Hand motions are used to switch between products or change colors and sizes. The BodyKinectizer uses the Microsoft Kinect console, making the scanner an affordable option for customers looking to shop more realistically from the comfort of their home.

"BodyKinectizer" is an award winning (CeBIT Innovation Award) concept which will be trend-setting for the shop of the future and future sales strategies. It is a body scanner based on Microsoft Kinect. It enables you to determine the right size and allows to dress your virtual body -- no matter whether you are in a shop or at home.

Watch the BodyKinectizer in action

digital signage has arrived on the dance floor.

The atmosphere is good, the beats are pounding, and the partygoers are flooding the dance floor. Now hopefully the DJ won’t mess up… Netvico, one of the leading companies in digital information systems, has developed a new idea on how to keep the atmosphere electric. Using the touch screen of a wireless networked mobile pillar, the queens and kings of the night can now send their music requests to the DJ. The party organizers also of course have the possibility to show their website and Facebook page on the display screen and thereby stay in touch with the crowds and forge valuable social networking contacts. The system is controlled in the background by netvico’s »PlayEverywhere« software technology, which also provides photos and videos. The side panels of the slender pillar can be adapted to the look of the location. Earlier this year, netvico’s party accelerator had its premier in Freiburg – and was a roaring success.

dinsdag 16 juli 2013

Chinese New Year 3D projection in Macau.

To celebrate the Chinese New Year, Monster Media 3D partnered with Laservision Australia to create a jaw-dropping 3D showcase across five facades of the Venetian Macau. While focusing specifically on the New Year festivities and paying close attention to significant symbols and items from Chinese culture, the month-long projection event also drew international attention as one of the world's largest architectural building projections, at over 13,000 square feet.

The customized 3D content was developed on a very short timeline and featured dancing panda bears, Chinese dragons, gold coins, traditional celebratory flags and fireworks, along with building-altering scenes to add to the "wow" factor, all accompanied by a soundtrack inspired by the renaissance.

--> video Link; 

Virtual reality-bril Oculus Rift op termijn mogelijk gratis.

De virtual reality-bril Oculus Rift, waarmee het voor gamers net is alsof ze in het spel staan, wordt op lange termijn mogelijk gratis of heel erg goedkoop.
Dat stelt Brendan Iribe, CEO van Oculus Rift.

Bron; www.nutech.nl
De bril is momenteel in ontwikkeling en plaatst gamers midden in een video game. Beweegt de gamer zijn hoofd omhoog dan zal het beeld dat voor de ogen getoond wordt ook meebewegen. De Oculus Rift kost voor ontwikkelaars momenteel 300 dollar en Iribe stelt dat dat prijspunt momenteel haalbaar is. "Er is potentie om de prijs veel verder omlaag te krijgen met verschillende samenwerkingen en strategieën."
"Hoe lager de prijs, hoe breder het publiek", aldus Iribe. "We hebben allerlei wilde fantasieën. We zouden graag zien dat de Oculus Rift op termijn gratis wordt."
Het bedrijf wil dat bereiken door samenwerkingen aan te gaan. "Laten we zeggen dat er een game is die iedereen met een Oculus Rift zo graag wil spelen dat we er 100 dollar per maand mee verdienen, of zelfs 10 dollar. Op een gegeven moment wordt de hardware zo goedkoop dat we genoeg verdienen om de headset weg te geven." De bijzondere gamebril ligt vanaf augustus in de winkels.

Meer informatie hier.

maandag 15 juli 2013

Projection Advertising beams photos of 100 people onto White Cliffs of Dover.

U.K.-based projection specialist Projection Advertising has given 100 members of the public the opportunity to have their photographs projected on to the world-famous White Cliffs of Dover, following a media campaign.

Digital projection onto White Cliffs of Dover.
Digital projection onto White Cliffs of Dover.

The campaign resulted in more than 200 people sending in their photographs and artwork, and the 100 best ones were selected for projection. Using four 15K projectors — a massive 60,000 lumens — each image was projected over 100 meters (~328 feet) of cliff and photographed. The finished photographs were then sent to the participants.

Over the years, the Britain landmark has been used for a huge range of marketing stunts and Projection Advertising has been behind many of them. Assuming the public would be aware of past campaigns, the company decided the public would welcome the chance to have their own faces projected for the world to see.

“People are familiar with the idea of famous landmarks being used for projection mapping,” Tom Burch, managing director of Projection Advertising, said. “But it’s not every day you get the chance to be part of the projection. We’re delighted to get members of the public joining in the fun.”

Out Of Screen Immersive Mapping.

A sneak preview of a new video-mapping tool, Out Of Screen Mapping, which is now available to demo live in the Projection Advertising  London showroom.

On the Autoroute du Soleil? Barco is watching you !

Bron; www.barco.com

No busier times than the summer months for Autoroutes du Sud de la France (ASF). As a subsidiary of the larger VINCI Autoroutes, ASF manages the motorway network in the west and south of France – the biggest and busiest in the country. This summer, the ASF control center near Avignon is better equipped than ever: a brand-new 3 x 3 Barco OVL-715 LED wall helps the operators keep a close eye on the holiday traffic.

Outstanding technology

For over ten years, the ASF control center had been featuring an LCD Barco video wall. It did a great job, yet in 2012 ASF decided it was time for an upgrade. They retained the existing structure and integrated a new Barco LED-lit screen. “Our good past cooperation was a key argument for selecting Barco. Yet what really won us over was the outstanding technology, especially the wall’s controller and the functionality of the CMS software suite,” said Bruno Roux, project manager specializing in traffic management and technology.

Enhancing collaboration

The new OVL LED-lit video wall, including controller and software, went live within seven days, with minimal disruption to the operators. Operator Jérôme Reboul and his colleagues all agree the new wall helps them respond more effectively during incidents: “The LEDs ensure brilliant colors and high contrast, which helps us gain a clear overview of our road network. Besides, we can now switch between different sources with the click of a mouse, and display live feeds from TV or CCTV cameras or content from our workstations. All that fosters collaboration.”

So when travelling through France these weeks, you can rest assured: ASF is on the watch, to ensure absolute road safety.

Read the full story.

vrijdag 12 juli 2013

"Optimeyes' Digital Signage Advertising.

European digital place-based media network Amscreen has announced the launch of its new platform, OptimEyes, which the company said "will further cement its position as the most accountable form of advertising in the digital screen media arena."

With the announcement of Amscreen's partnership with Paris-based Quividi earlier this year that enabled the digital network to offer face detection technology to advertisers, Amscreen has gone on to develop its new online campaign evaluation and optimization platform called OptimEyes. As well as incorporating real-time audience insight, it will combine Amscreen's existing campaign evaluation data to provide "the most in depth, transparent measurement platform in the digital out-of-home industry," according to the company.

The data the OptimEyes RTI (Real Time Insight) platform delivers includes live reach statistics broken down by gender, age, date, time and location. This means advertisers and agencies will be able to review their campaign performance throughout the display period and optimize this to guarantee maximum exposure to the relevant audience, the company said.

With a network of more than 6,000 digital screens and a weekly audience of more than 50 million, the launch of OptimEyes will see Amscreen further solidify its offering for brands with "the most insight-led advertising in the industry," the company said. It also represents another big step for the DOOH sector, aligning it more closely with the online advertising industry's real-time campaign optimization model.

"It is time for a step-change in advertising — brands deserve to know not just an estimation of how many eyeballs are viewing their adverts, but who they are too," said Simon Sugar, CEO of London-based Amscreen. "Through the creation of our new platform, OptimEyes, advertisers will have instant access to all of this information, meaning we can deliver the type of insight that only online has previously been able to achieve."

donderdag 11 juli 2013


 Eerste iGhost campagne in Pakistaans in samenwerking met de Red Tape Media Group


woensdag 10 juli 2013


Na Google hebben de mensen van Recon Jet ook een smartglass gemaakt. Deze high tech zonnebril bezit een dual core processor, goede grafische kaart, Wi-Fi, ANT+, Bluetooth, GPS en HD camera.

dinsdag 9 juli 2013

Giant moving mechanical spider during Glastonbury Festival.

Design company Immersive and AV production company Video Illusions have worked together to produce the video aspects of the Arcadia Spectacular at this year’s Glastonbury festival. The event including the projection mapping of six 20,000 lumens Panasonic projectors.

Panasonic projectors as part of Glastonbury 2013's Arcadia Spectacular

Bron; www.avinteractive.com
Known as the ‘Arcadia Spectacular’, a giant mechanical spider was the centrepiece for an AV experience that included explosive pyrotechnics, HD projection mapping and stunning choreography set to a soundtrack from UK’s  DJs including Andy C, Fatboy Slim, Ratpack, Plump DJs and more.
To help Immersive bring the show to life, Panasonic provided six of its 20,000 lumen DLP projectors which were located in three areas and beamed geometrically mapped images as a countdown onto the legs of the nearly 10 metre-high spider.

maandag 8 juli 2013

Holographic projection for Renato Russo tribute concert in Brazil.


The Renato Russo tribute is the first ‘live’ concert in Brazil to feature a 3D hologram at the new Mane Garrincha National Stadium – a venue also playing host to the FIFA World Cup in 2014 and The Olympics in 2016.   The Stadium is the first live event in Brazil to feature a 3D hologram of one of its most popular musicians.

Thanks to the support of producer Giuliano Manfredini, son of Renato Russo, 50,000 fans were able to pay homage to his father who died in 1996.

Once the lights dimmed ‘Renato Russo’ appeared playing ‘Sera’ one of his most famous hits.     Other international artists included Boden, Zélia Duncan, Ivete Sangalo, Ellen Oléria and Hamilton de Holanda,

The Renato Russo hologram, created by Holition and V-Squared Labs involved research and the studying of footage to enable the holographic technologists to produce a large scale hologram.

To make the projected image as real as possible a method actor was filmed and then digitally augmented to recreate the illusion.

zondag 7 juli 2013

HMD - de Epson Moverio.

Met de Epson Moverio BT-100 doorzichtige multimediabril kunt u altijd en overal films kijken, op het internet surfen en naar muziek luisteren.

These futuristic specs beam video into your eyes in 2D and 3D, giving the impression of the big screen without anyone else seeing what you're watching. For the price, we were expecting to be impressed. In practice, we were brutally underwhelmed. The glasses are heavy, so wearing them for prolonged periods of time was uncomfortable.

vrijdag 5 juli 2013


“Adventure facade parcours”

Anatomische les.

Teaser multi-touch ervaring Anatomische Les, CORPUS Experience.
(Titel: 'De Anatomische Les' - CORPUS Leiden, Nederland)



donderdag 4 juli 2013

LA Traffic JAM.

LoopNet, the world’s largest online commercial real estate lister, wanted to make a downtown Los Angeles building disappear on January 17th, 2013.  In keeping with their brand positioning, “If a property isn’t listed on LoopNet, it may as well be invisible,” Pearl Media was up to the challenge.  First, an adjacent parking lot was converted into a private LoopNet event.  Next, Pearl engaged Grammy Award-winning band Train to take the stage for a full musical performance.  Then, during Train’s set, we launched our 3D Projection Mapping experience and made the downtown Los Angeles building “disappear” in a four and half minute immersive experience.  In less than one week, YouTube views had surpassed 15,000 and earned media impressions reached 3 million.  Pearl Media and Pearl Media Productions managed and produced the total event- permits, catering, security, sound, staging, lighting and the stunning 3D projection mapping of the “disappearing building.”

woensdag 3 juli 2013

Tabletbezit stijgt naar 44%.

Intomart GfK publiceerde vorige week de nieuwe resultaten van het halfjaarlijkse onderzoek ‘Trends in Digitale Media’. Het is een onderzoek dat het bezit en gebruik van allerhande devies in kaart brengt. Hieruit blijkt dat in de eerste helft van 2013  er 1,3 miljoen tabletgebruikers bijgekomen zijn, waardoor het aantal tabletgebruikers inmiddels 5,6 miljoen bedraagt. Hiermee is 44% van alle Nederlanders in het bezit van een tablet. De groei van het aantal tabletgebruikers wordt enerzijds  veroorzaakt door de groep jongeren tussen de 13 en 17 jaar, waarvan 39% inmiddels een tablet bezit (versus 10% in juni 2012 ). Anderzijds zijn het de ouderen (65+) die meer tablets zijn gaan gebruiken en waarvan inmiddels een derde een tablet bezit (versus 15% juni 2012).

World’s First Real Live Pig Feed Benefits Animal Welfare Charity.

The world’s first real live pig feed is broadcast on a large format outdoor advertising screen in London   (May 14-19) to raise donations and support for the farm animal welfare charity, Compassion in World Farming.

A group of Tamworth pigs on the organic Wren Davis farm in Great Missenden, Bucks, take a starring role in the live, interactive broadcast, which invites shoppers at London’s Westfield Centre to feed the animals in return for a £1 charity donation
The campaign, created by the marketing agency Elvis, was a winner in Ocean Art of Outdoor competition, which invites agencies and brands to push the creative boundaries in outdoor advertising,

The world’s first real live feed asks people to show their support for free range farming and better animal welfare standards by linking them live to the free range pig farm via Ocean’s Eat Street billboard.  The pig feed takes place twice a day from May 14 to May 19.

Shoppers are invited to feed the pigs by texting a number for £1. They are then sent a unique weblink, which connects them to an online broadcast and an accelerometer to operate a machine that scatters apples for the pigs.

The actual feeding machine was designed and built by members of the engineering department at London South Bank University.

More information here

dinsdag 2 juli 2013

The Live Weather Billboard

Een mooi voorbeeld hoe je de beeldschermen kunt aanpassen aan de veranderde omstandigheden. Digital Signage optima forma !!