vrijdag 31 mei 2013
Europe’s "largest display" to debut this autumn.
Bron; www.inavateonthenet.net
The "largest indoor LED screen in Europe" will be unveiled in the autumn.
The 40m display – dubbed Waterloo Motion - was initially scheduled to launch this summer but it is thought the project has been delayed.
Details have been kept tightly under wraps by multinational advertising corporation JCDecaux, who claim the display will be the largest indoor LED unit in Europe.
The firm has been releasing small glimpses of the display since January, including a video of the screen being tested.
The display to be unveiled at London’s Waterloo Station is an AOTO SMD LED unit with a 6mm pitch and resolution of 6720px x 480px, or 3.2 million pixels, boasting 4.4 trillion colours.
At the NEC Solutions Showcase held recently some details of the project did emerge. The challenges of installing and using a display of such a size in a public place were highlighted in a presentation and included getting the colours and brightness correct and maximising the field of vision. The expense of the project and the potential for motion sickness were also listed as challenges to be overcome.
The plan is to host interactive initiatives within the station concourse linked through to the 120m² screen to draw the interest of the 1.8 million visitors that JCDecaux estimates pass through the station every week, with an average of almost 300,000 on each weekday.
donderdag 30 mei 2013
nieuwe formule Kijkshop.

Kijkshop heeft een cross-channel store geopend, waarin online en offline winkelen zijn geïntegreerd De retailer is bekend om zijn vitrines waarbij klant bij de balie een koopbon invult en daarna het product direct meeneemt. In de nieuwe winkel hebben vitrines deels plaatsgemaakt voor grote NEC touchscreens. Deze sloten perfect aan op de vraag van Kijkshop. Consumenten kunnen via deze schermen op eenvoudige wijze onder andere telefoons, kookgerei en cosmetica bestellen.
Omdat gemak centraal staat in dit nieuwe winkelconcept, is de koopbon vervangen door een koopkaart die de klant bij elk touchscreen kan scannen om een artikel toe te voegen. De kaart kan vervolgens bij de kassa worden uitgelezen om het artikel af te rekenen. Een deel van het assortiment is direct mee te nemen, de rest kan gratis worden thuisbezorgd of een dag later worden afgehaald.
Kijkshop is met dit concept de eerste retailer die on- en offline op deze wijze integreert, zegt COO Frans Pruijn. “Wij spelen hiermee in op het veranderende consumentengedrag. Met dit nieuwe winkelconcept zijn we in staat een oneindig assortiment aan te bieden op minder dan 100 m2. Het geeft ons de mogelijkheid met onze formule op A-locaties aanwezig te zijn. Wij willen dit concept, na een succesvolle pilot-periode, verder uitrollen.”
De gebruikte software is door Leftclick te Mierlo geheel nieuw opgebouwd voor Kijkshop.

woensdag 29 mei 2013
ISE 2011 - mediasphere 180 Multitouch.
An old one ......but nice !
This stunning spherical projection system is ideally suited for the presentation of "global" content such as branch locations of globally operating businesses, shipping routes, geographic-, meteorological- and political data, or just about any spherical content (think animated footballs, eyes etc). The integrated, high-intensity projector provides a high-contrast display even in bright surroundings and the high-precision multi-touch control allows the joint exploration of the content simultaneously by multiple users. www.mediascreen.de
This stunning spherical projection system is ideally suited for the presentation of "global" content such as branch locations of globally operating businesses, shipping routes, geographic-, meteorological- and political data, or just about any spherical content (think animated footballs, eyes etc). The integrated, high-intensity projector provides a high-contrast display even in bright surroundings and the high-precision multi-touch control allows the joint exploration of the content simultaneously by multiple users. www.mediascreen.de
Connected applications.
Vigour has created a development platform to build connected applications that run on any device — converging multiple interfaces into one fluid experience through the cloud. Using this technology, we are creating revolutionary products and user experiences.
Vigour Video is a customizable app template for media companies that want to give their viewers the best possible way to enjoy their video content. As a user you can use your favorite mobile device to swipe through videos, while additional content is instantly shown on your big screen. Once you find a video you want to watch, you play it on the big screen and use your mobile device as a remote controller or to browse for your next movie. Need to get going? Simply disconnect and continue the
video on your mobile device.
Vigour Video is a customizable app template for media companies that want to give their viewers the best possible way to enjoy their video content. As a user you can use your favorite mobile device to swipe through videos, while additional content is instantly shown on your big screen. Once you find a video you want to watch, you play it on the big screen and use your mobile device as a remote controller or to browse for your next movie. Need to get going? Simply disconnect and continue the
video on your mobile device.
dinsdag 28 mei 2013
Samsung Thinks Women Would Upgrade Husbands Into Creepy Housework Robots.
If you could upgrade your partner’s skills and abilities with a bit of hardware or software, would you do it? To promote their “Evolution Kit” that upgrades the processor and capabilities of their smart TVs, a Samsung ad imagines what would happen if humans had similar upgrade capabilities. In the ad, a woman upgrades her husband into a creepy and robotic super-capable version of Rosie from “The Jetsons.”
That’s kind of creepy. What really bothers many viewers, though, is that the husband starts as a snack-munching, TV-watching oaf in the Homer Simpson/Peter Griffin mold. After his upgrade, he cooks, cleans, redecorates, and entertains the baby all at once while his wife sits at a table
and smiles indulgently
It’s an effective spot in that it gets across what the evolution kit does, and it also has attracted a lot of free publicity: 10 million views as of today.
and smiles indulgently
It’s an effective spot in that it gets across what the evolution kit does, and it also has attracted a lot of free publicity: 10 million views as of today.
My “Colorful” SID 2013 Impressions
Bron; www.display-central.com
SID 2013 has almost ended and the show floor is closed. The exhibition featured several large display manufacturers together with many smaller companies and suppliers of specialty materials and components. This mix of very large companies and small start-up companies makes up much of the charm of this exhibition as all of them address some form of display industry need or product.
Of course displays are all the hype and are shown in all shapes, sizes, resolutions and technologies. For me, the most common theme this year was the display manufacturer’s focus on improved color performance. While many high resolution displays were showcased at the various booths, they were not the main topic highlighted by many of the manufacturers.
Expanded color space seemed to have captured more of the marketing message this year. This is of course driven by the focus on OLED displays for mobile devices and TVs.
In general, OLED makers are pushing the extended color capabilities of their respective displays in comparison to other manufacturers and technologies. In other words OLED is great and LCD lags. As a general rule, OLEDs achieve 100% of the Adobe RGB color space, while LCDs reach anywhere from 65% to 75%. Side by side, the OLEDs look much more vibrant than the LCD. The most important difference lies in the color coordinate of the green primary that creates a significantly larger color space than most LCDs cover today.
But quantum dot technology may change this. As we have recently reported Time to Buy a Quantum Dot TV), Sony TV using quantum dot technology from QD Vision are now available. The TVs shown in the QD Vision booth were very impressive as they significantly increase color space and now rivals that achievable with AMOLED. At the same time, this solution is available at a small cost differential over a standard LED LCD display. As QD Vision puts it, you can get OLED color at LCD prices. Since the solution is already available in TV sizes, the race for OLED TVs has become even harder. While OLED still holds an edge in terms of speed of response and native contrast ratio, that advantage continues to erode vs. LCD.
In the 3M booth, we saw color enhanced mobile displays that not only improved the color space, but also offered a color evaluation metric that combines several key elements of display operation into a single numeric they call the Perceptual Quality Metric (PQM). This number tries to create a quantitative tool to assess the quality of the display. They assess the display size, resolution, luminance and color gamut to arrive at this number.
They showed two monitors side by side along with a number of images to assess the viewer perception compared to the calculated PQM number. In general, most of the viewers agreed with the PQM number in evaluating their preference of one display over the other. This was not just one display versus the other, but they varied the display drive from one picture to the next, so that sometimes monitor 1 was preferred and other times monitor 2 looked superior.
3M did not release more details on the algorithm they are using, as they are still in internal discussions. We are looking forward to learn more about this PQM number in the near future.
Insight Media will be publishing more detailed interviews with these two as well as other companies on Display-Central.com very soon.
As it looks, the future displays may not be much brighter but they sure will be much more colorful.
SID 2013 has almost ended and the show floor is closed. The exhibition featured several large display manufacturers together with many smaller companies and suppliers of specialty materials and components. This mix of very large companies and small start-up companies makes up much of the charm of this exhibition as all of them address some form of display industry need or product.
Of course displays are all the hype and are shown in all shapes, sizes, resolutions and technologies. For me, the most common theme this year was the display manufacturer’s focus on improved color performance. While many high resolution displays were showcased at the various booths, they were not the main topic highlighted by many of the manufacturers.
Expanded color space seemed to have captured more of the marketing message this year. This is of course driven by the focus on OLED displays for mobile devices and TVs.
In general, OLED makers are pushing the extended color capabilities of their respective displays in comparison to other manufacturers and technologies. In other words OLED is great and LCD lags. As a general rule, OLEDs achieve 100% of the Adobe RGB color space, while LCDs reach anywhere from 65% to 75%. Side by side, the OLEDs look much more vibrant than the LCD. The most important difference lies in the color coordinate of the green primary that creates a significantly larger color space than most LCDs cover today.
But quantum dot technology may change this. As we have recently reported Time to Buy a Quantum Dot TV), Sony TV using quantum dot technology from QD Vision are now available. The TVs shown in the QD Vision booth were very impressive as they significantly increase color space and now rivals that achievable with AMOLED. At the same time, this solution is available at a small cost differential over a standard LED LCD display. As QD Vision puts it, you can get OLED color at LCD prices. Since the solution is already available in TV sizes, the race for OLED TVs has become even harder. While OLED still holds an edge in terms of speed of response and native contrast ratio, that advantage continues to erode vs. LCD.
In the 3M booth, we saw color enhanced mobile displays that not only improved the color space, but also offered a color evaluation metric that combines several key elements of display operation into a single numeric they call the Perceptual Quality Metric (PQM). This number tries to create a quantitative tool to assess the quality of the display. They assess the display size, resolution, luminance and color gamut to arrive at this number.
They showed two monitors side by side along with a number of images to assess the viewer perception compared to the calculated PQM number. In general, most of the viewers agreed with the PQM number in evaluating their preference of one display over the other. This was not just one display versus the other, but they varied the display drive from one picture to the next, so that sometimes monitor 1 was preferred and other times monitor 2 looked superior.
3M did not release more details on the algorithm they are using, as they are still in internal discussions. We are looking forward to learn more about this PQM number in the near future.
Insight Media will be publishing more detailed interviews with these two as well as other companies on Display-Central.com very soon.
As it looks, the future displays may not be much brighter but they sure will be much more colorful.
maandag 27 mei 2013
zaterdag 25 mei 2013
Digital Shoreditch Festival.
3D technology specialist Inition is preparing to host an event exploring 'a new era of visualisation, entertainment and interactive applications' at its Shoreditch offices next week. The augmented reality (AR) versus virtual reality (VR) open day is part of the Digital Shoreditch Festival and will feature a number of innovative exhibits designed to showcase emerging technology.
Among the applications on show will be the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset, with visitors able to test its capabilities by walking across a wooden plank above a city. There will also be an opportunity to dissect a heart, lung and foot in an augmented reality medical chamber, and a virtual terrain to explore with the WizDish omni-treadmill.
Visitors can also fly like a bird over an African plain, explore a life-size human body with an iPad, jump out of a plane at 10,000 feet and experience a hyperglycaemic attack – all in virtual and augmented reality. Kit on show will include the ImmersaVu dome system, 4K glasses-free 3D display, Animazoo motion capture glove and the zSpace 'true' 3D interactive display.
The event will take place on May 28th and 29th,
vrijdag 24 mei 2013
Xbox One and Kinect 2 for the Playground of the Future.
From what I learned, the new Kinect sensor has six times the fidelity of the previous version. Paired with the new Xbox One, it can do amazing things. Engineers from around the world collaborated on this project, providing expertise in facial recognition, digital signal processing, speech recognition, machine learning, and computer vision. The Xbox One is fueled by an 8-core x86 processor, supported by 8GB of RAM, which is sure to handle the hardest gamer's needs. It also includes a 500GB hard drive and an HD Blu-ray player.
The new system was designed to enhance the gaming/user experience. The 1080p camera provides a field of view that is 60 degrees larger than its predecessor, and can handle a high level of detail. It provides a better means of interpreting movement and orientation, and it processes skeleton and hand movements more precisely. The system features "muscle man", a human-based physics model that is layered over the skeleton and depth map. It senses and calculating the forces the player uses while moving in a game.
What I find interesting is that the camera can detect the player's pulse by measuring subtle changes of the skin that can't be perceived by the naked eye. It also can quickly identify each player (it handles up to six), and identify facial expressions. The active IR (infrared) system provides the system with better accuracy than the original Kinect.
I wasn't able to find out much information regarding privacy issues with this system. This is a concern, since it can sense your physiological responses, movement patterns, and facial expressions. Over time, a good deal of very personal information would be gathered about each user. I shudder to think about the consequences if the data fell into the wrong hands.
Possibilities for Special Needs Populations
I can see that the Xbox One + Kinect 2 system has the potential for games and other interactive applications for use in physical rehabilitation and fitness. Since it can interpret facial expressions, it could also provide a way to support social skills learning among children and teens who have autism spectrum disorders.
Microsoft invests a good deal of attention to proof-of-concept projects that may or not become part of a commercial product. Below is an example of IllumiRoom:
AOPEN In-Store Showcase.
The AOPEN Transparent Display allows you to introduce your customers to a futuristic retail experience. Step away from conventional product display methods and transform the outlook of your store. The In-Store Showcase allows you to display content on a transparent HD Ready LCD front surface, while featuring the actual product in the display box. Attract your customer's attention by combining 3D elements with high quality signage content with this eye-catching transparent display.
donderdag 23 mei 2013
Avilight CIRCLE is completely transparent flat circular LED display. It generates a holograph-like image that looks like it is hanging in the air, which appears to be very attractive. All this makes it a great Digital Signage display ensuring maximum attention.
A black back could be installed as an option for maximum contrast.
Avilight CIRCLE is an autonomous device; it can operate without a connection because the showed content is stored in the display itself. It is designed for reliable and continuous operation. LEDs do not require maintenance and are very long-lasting. The display is eco friendly with efficient power consumption at high level of illumination.
Key Features
- Transparent attention-grabbing LED Display
- Small 2mm pixel pitch
- High brightness level
- Content Management Software included
- Relatively low cost
- Optional black back for maximum contrast
- Autonomous operation
- Designed for reliable continuous operation
- Minimal maintenance
- Efficient power consumption
NEC Showcase Highlights in London 16.05.2013
NEC Solutions Showcase 2013
Attracting over 1,000 visitors, historic Tobacco Dock in London was the venue for the 2013 NEC Solutions Showcase which took place on 16th May. Through collaboration with 52 best of breed hardware manufacturers and software providers to exhibit fully integrated display solutions, the NEC Showcase once again delivered a unique and compelling formula.
“This was our biggest NEC Showcase yet, welcoming over 20% more visitors compared to last year, nearly half of whom were end users which reflects our dedication to create customer focused solutions,” says Simon Jackson, VP NEC Display Solutions. “They can really get a feel for how the solution can be applied to their needs and speak directly to the specialists who can make it a reality.
Attracting over 1,000 visitors, historic Tobacco Dock in London was the venue for the 2013 NEC Solutions Showcase which took place on 16th May. Through collaboration with 52 best of breed hardware manufacturers and software providers to exhibit fully integrated display solutions, the NEC Showcase once again delivered a unique and compelling formula.
“This was our biggest NEC Showcase yet, welcoming over 20% more visitors compared to last year, nearly half of whom were end users which reflects our dedication to create customer focused solutions,” says Simon Jackson, VP NEC Display Solutions. “They can really get a feel for how the solution can be applied to their needs and speak directly to the specialists who can make it a reality.
woensdag 22 mei 2013
Interact with the Croods in Antwerp.
For the release of the new 3D-animated film the Croods, Clear Channel Create has designed an interactive bus shelter in Belgium where people could take a picture with the world's 1st family. The picture was then broadcast on Clear Channel digital screens in Antwerp Central station, and was also available for sharing and
tagging on Facebook
tagging on Facebook
dinsdag 21 mei 2013
Smart Glass installed to create a walk in shower.
Pro Display’s Laminate Smart Glass was installed by Synergy Lifestyle to create a walk in shower in an exclusive apartment located in London City.
Synergy Lifestyle worked closely with the Pro Display’s Intelligent Glass division to meet the customers requirements to create a large custom size Switchable Smart Glass partition which is integrated and operates as part of a Crestron system.
James Moffatt BA, Interior Designer for Synergy Lifestyle said ‘Yes very happy, looks great and no problems with the installation or linking to Crestron.’
Synergy Lifestyle worked closely with the Pro Display’s Intelligent Glass division to meet the customers requirements to create a large custom size Switchable Smart Glass partition which is integrated and operates as part of a Crestron system.
James Moffatt BA, Interior Designer for Synergy Lifestyle said ‘Yes very happy, looks great and no problems with the installation or linking to Crestron.’
Bron; www.nu.nl
Leap Motion heeft een filmpje online gezet waarin het bedrijf toont hoe zijn bewegingsgevoelige besturing zal werken op Windows-pc's.
In het filmpje is te zien hoe iemand met enkel vingerbewegingen in de lucht iconen op het scherm beweegt, tekent en over het web browset.
"Je kunt alles doen dat je met multi-touch schermen doet, zonder iets aan te raken", aldus het bedrijf in een blogpost. Bestaande applicaties in Windows 7 en Windows 8 zullen de handbewegingen herkennen.
HP en Asus hebben al een overeenkomst met Leap Motion gesloten om de besturing in de toekomst te leveren bij hun pc's. De techniek wordt op 22 juli gelanceerd. In eerste instantie zal een apart kastje nodig zijn.
De Leap Motion controller kost 79,99 dollar, zo'n 62 euro. Er komt ook een Leap App Store met apps die speciaal voor het systeem zijn ontwikkeld.
It's what we've always envisioned for Leap Motion — to break down the barriers between people and technology. Here's a video to show you how close we are.
With Leap Motion technology, Windows OS is natural, easy, and fun to use. You'll navigate your desktop, browse the web, flip through photos, and do everything you do everyday in extraordinary ways —all with the wave of a hand or lift of a finger.
Leap Motion heeft een filmpje online gezet waarin het bedrijf toont hoe zijn bewegingsgevoelige besturing zal werken op Windows-pc's.
In het filmpje is te zien hoe iemand met enkel vingerbewegingen in de lucht iconen op het scherm beweegt, tekent en over het web browset.
"Je kunt alles doen dat je met multi-touch schermen doet, zonder iets aan te raken", aldus het bedrijf in een blogpost. Bestaande applicaties in Windows 7 en Windows 8 zullen de handbewegingen herkennen.
HP en Asus hebben al een overeenkomst met Leap Motion gesloten om de besturing in de toekomst te leveren bij hun pc's. De techniek wordt op 22 juli gelanceerd. In eerste instantie zal een apart kastje nodig zijn.
De Leap Motion controller kost 79,99 dollar, zo'n 62 euro. Er komt ook een Leap App Store met apps die speciaal voor het systeem zijn ontwikkeld.
It's what we've always envisioned for Leap Motion — to break down the barriers between people and technology. Here's a video to show you how close we are.
With Leap Motion technology, Windows OS is natural, easy, and fun to use. You'll navigate your desktop, browse the web, flip through photos, and do everything you do everyday in extraordinary ways —all with the wave of a hand or lift of a finger.
zondag 19 mei 2013
SoC-Launch von Samsung.
Dienstag stellte Samsung in München seine neue SoC-Lösung vor. Rund 70 Besucher informierten sich über das Thema System on Chip.
Die neue Samsung System on Chip (SoC)-Lösung enthält einen Chip, der sowohl Mediaplayer als auch Content Management Software integriert und das Display so in eine ganzheitliche Lösung verwandelt. Auf dem Launch-Event stellte Samsung seine neue SoC-Plattform der Öffentlichkeit vor, gleichzeitig zeigten sechs Partner Lösungen die auf eben dieser Plattform laufen.
Laut Joachim Wieczorek, Sales Manager IT Display bei Samsung, gibt es im Markt eine große Nachfrage nach einfachen Lösungen. Genau hier will Samsung mit seiner neuen Smart Signage Plattform ansetzen. Die neue Lösung soll Digital Signage-Projekte deutlich einfacher machen und damit die Einstiegshürde für Partner und Kunden deutlich senken. Zudem sollen auch die Total Cost of Ownership damit gesenkt werden können
donderdag 16 mei 2013
YDreams and Intel Team Up for Virtual Aquarium.
YDreams partnered up with Intel.
The Lego-adapted Virtual Aquarium, invited guests to create and thoroughly customize virtual pet fish based on Lego building bricks. They decided on the shape and color of the Lego brick that will determine the fish’s body and fins, as well as the color of its eyes and stripes. The variables available enabled guests to create a multitude of distinct fish, so the risk that any two fish were identical was minimal! Once guests finished creating their Lego fish, they released it into the Virtual Aquarium, sat back and watched as their new friend explored its new environment.
YDreams’ Virtual Aquariums can now be visited at several shopping centers around the world. The first were developed and deployed for Forum Sintra (Portugal) and Marmara Forum (Turkey) and two more were recently launched at mfi group shopping centers in Leipzig and Munich, Germany.

The Lego-adapted Virtual Aquarium, invited guests to create and thoroughly customize virtual pet fish based on Lego building bricks. They decided on the shape and color of the Lego brick that will determine the fish’s body and fins, as well as the color of its eyes and stripes. The variables available enabled guests to create a multitude of distinct fish, so the risk that any two fish were identical was minimal! Once guests finished creating their Lego fish, they released it into the Virtual Aquarium, sat back and watched as their new friend explored its new environment.
YDreams’ Virtual Aquariums can now be visited at several shopping centers around the world. The first were developed and deployed for Forum Sintra (Portugal) and Marmara Forum (Turkey) and two more were recently launched at mfi group shopping centers in Leipzig and Munich, Germany.
Sharp komt met nieuwe enorme led-tv's.
Sharp brengt deze maand in Nederland drie nieuwe Aquos-televisies uit. Het betreft vernieuwende televisies met een enorm beeld die helaas ook peperduur zijn. De prijzen starten bij 2.700 euro.Voor dat geld krijg je een televisie met een beelddiagonaal van ruim 150 centimeter (60 inch). De andere tv's hebben een led-scherm van 177 centimeter en 203 centimeter en kosten respectievelijk 4499 en 7999 euro. Enorme bedragen, maar dan heb je wel een echte huisbioscoop
Om op zulke grote schermen een scherp beeld te krijgen zijn wel speciale technieken nodig. Zo beschikken de televisie over de 3e generatie van de Quattron 3D-technologie. Dit houdt in dat er naast de blauwe, groene en rode pixel ook een gele pixel wordt gebruikt. Hierdoor worden de beelden scherper en helderder en wordt er minder stroom verbruikt.Al deze enorme televisies kunnen beelden in 3D tonen. Ook kun je start-tv functies gebruiken als je de televisies op internet aansluit.Een mooie nieuwe functie bij deze televisies is de wallpaper modus. In de standby stand kan er dan een foto, tekening of schilderij worden getoond. Dit gebeurt in een lagere resolutie dan bij de tv-beelden het geval is. Dat spaart niet alleen energie maar ziet er ook meer als een echte poster of schilderij uit.

Om op zulke grote schermen een scherp beeld te krijgen zijn wel speciale technieken nodig. Zo beschikken de televisie over de 3e generatie van de Quattron 3D-technologie. Dit houdt in dat er naast de blauwe, groene en rode pixel ook een gele pixel wordt gebruikt. Hierdoor worden de beelden scherper en helderder en wordt er minder stroom verbruikt.Al deze enorme televisies kunnen beelden in 3D tonen. Ook kun je start-tv functies gebruiken als je de televisies op internet aansluit.Een mooie nieuwe functie bij deze televisies is de wallpaper modus. In de standby stand kan er dan een foto, tekening of schilderij worden getoond. Dit gebeurt in een lagere resolutie dan bij de tv-beelden het geval is. Dat spaart niet alleen energie maar ziet er ook meer als een echte poster of schilderij uit.
woensdag 15 mei 2013
New Presenter Remote Control You Wear On Your Finger.
A company called Genius just debuted a really cool product called the Ring Pointer -- a ring-style presenter with built-in laser pointer for those making PowerPoint and Keynote presentations. Using one hand, presenters can start and stop presentations and switch between slides as well as use the laser pointer since you wear it like a ring on your finger.
Functions include Play/Exit, Last Page, Next Page, blank screen functions as well as the laser pointer (10-meter wireless range). It uses a 2.4 GHz wireless technology.
Transportation and recharging is simple. When the battery-low indicator lights up, just plug the Ring Pointer using the micro USB rechargeable cable into a computer. To prevent misplacing or losing the USB pico receiver, it can be attached to the Ring Pointer for storage.
The Genius Ring Pointer lists for $54.99
Ring Pointer
- Cutting-edge ring style air presenter
- Laser pointer function
- Lightweight and human oriented ring design for business, educational field and i-users
- Natural rubber ring for comfort and finger grip
dinsdag 14 mei 2013
Sony launches Bravia display with HTML5 capability for the corporate market.
Bron; www.avinteractive.com
Sony has launched its new W800 series of Bravia professional displays. The W800 series consists of six models, bringing together the performance and design of Sony’s display range with added
HTML5 capability.
Sony KDL-42W80x display with HTML5 The models have been designed specifically for the corporate presentation market, and are Sony’s first displays to include HTML5 functionality.
The displays contain Light Sensor, an automatic feature which enables brightness to be adjusted to match the surrounding ambient light levels.
Other features of the W800 series include the ability to control displays via IP (WEBAPI), a RS232C.D-Sub 15 pin terminal alongside an HDMI port for connection to a PC, an RJ45 connector, built-in WiFi for browsing the internet or receiving signage content and a bezel of approximately 17mm.
Sony has launched its new W800 series of Bravia professional displays. The W800 series consists of six models, bringing together the performance and design of Sony’s display range with added
HTML5 capability.

Sony KDL-42W80x display with HTML5 The models have been designed specifically for the corporate presentation market, and are Sony’s first displays to include HTML5 functionality.
The displays contain Light Sensor, an automatic feature which enables brightness to be adjusted to match the surrounding ambient light levels.
Other features of the W800 series include the ability to control displays via IP (WEBAPI), a RS232C.D-Sub 15 pin terminal alongside an HDMI port for connection to a PC, an RJ45 connector, built-in WiFi for browsing the internet or receiving signage content and a bezel of approximately 17mm.
maandag 13 mei 2013
2nd generation electrowetting display technology.
more information here
ElectroWetting Display in the sun
Revolutionary display technology can lift the ban on digital billboards. Miortech, a Dutch company originating from the Philips cradle, introduces color displays that reflect sunlight, just like paper, with environmental benefits such as low power consumption and reduced light pollution overcoming the disadvantages of LED billboards.
Miortech established Etulipa® as a subsidiary to bring its electrowetting display technology (EWD) into the digital signage space. CEO Hans Feil states: “We can now demonstrate full color reflective displays with the same approach as in digital printing: the so-called CMY-technology. The positive feedback on our demos, which performed under different light conditions including bright sunlight, pointed us into the direction of the digital billboard applications. We found that advertisers and billboard owners are extremely keen to enable more digital boards. This technology allows for instantaneous creative updates and the ability to respond in real-time to current events and market conditions”. The next step is to build a demo-digital billboard to prove our claims to advertisers and billboard owners.
zaterdag 11 mei 2013
Biggest Indoor Mapping Event in Saudi Arabia.

U.K. projection specialist Projection Advertising announced that it recently staged the largest indoor video-mapping event in Saudi Arabia to promote the new Saudi city of Murooj Jeddah (translated as Jeddah Meadows).
According to the company, the 35-meter-wide-by-7-meter-tall (114.8 by 23 feet), 360-degree spectacular utilized three separate components, multiple projectors, 50 lighting fixtures, elaborate surround sound and an innovative, "magic" live element to create a unique 3D projection mapping experience on an 8,000 pixel canvas.
Staged on April 28 at the Leylaty (restaurant group) ballroom — the biggest such venue in Saudi Arabia — as part of a one-night gala to promote Murooj Jeddah (developed and built by infrastructure/construction company Sumou Real Estate in a 70/30 split with the Saudi government), the 5-minute in-door mapping spectacular took place in front of a huge audience, which included two Saudi Royal princes. The entire build and de-rig took place in less than 24 hours.
"This was one of the most challenging mapping productions we've delivered," said Tom Burch, London-based Projection Advertising managing director. "From the elaborate storyboards right through to the integrated projection and live elements, we delivered an event worthy of the new city of Murooj Jeddah — and one of the most complex and entertaining 3D-mapping shows staged anywhere in the world."
vrijdag 10 mei 2013
Digital Projection Launches Home Cinema Trade Up Program
This program is in effect from May 1, 2013 through June 30, 2013 and you can sign up to get details here: http://www.digitalprojection.com/RequestInformation/tabid/95/Default.aspx
woensdag 8 mei 2013
Tijdens de grootse zomercampagne zullen consumenten voor het eerst niet alleen ‘Coca-Cola’ op het drankje aantreffen, maar aan een zijde ook één van de 150 populairste Nederlandse voornamen, zoals Thomas, Sanne of Tim. Ngage Media heeft een doorvertaling gemaakt op deze campagne naar haar grote digitale schermen waarbij iedereen zijn of haar voornaam kan sms-en naar shortcode 2580. De voornamen worden vervolgens direct levensgroot getoond op het Coca-Cola etiket op de digitale schermen van Ngage Media. De campagne wordt ondersteund met promotieteams op verschillende locaties. De campagne is uitgevoerd in opdracht van Universal Media.
Tijdens de grootse zomercampagne zullen consumenten voor het eerst niet alleen ‘Coca-Cola’ op het drankje aantreffen, maar aan een zijde ook één van de 150 populairste Nederlandse voornamen, zoals Thomas, Sanne of Tim. Ngage Media heeft een doorvertaling gemaakt op deze campagne naar haar grote digitale schermen waarbij iedereen zijn of haar voornaam kan sms-en naar shortcode 2580. De voornamen worden vervolgens direct levensgroot getoond op het Coca-Cola etiket op de digitale schermen van Ngage Media. De campagne wordt ondersteund met promotieteams op verschillende locaties. De campagne is uitgevoerd in opdracht van Universal Media.

Adobe XD explores the analog future.
Our XD team revealed a few projects they're working on at Adobe MAX 2013. The team has been exploring how new form factor displays, new interactions (like touch and gesture), cloud connections and even new hardware might change how you all create and in turn how it might impact what software we need to build.
We actually started project Mighty, our “cloud pen” to help us focus on the future of drawing. I’ve always been a little obsessed with drawing. An early mentor of mine said: “If you can’t draw, you can’t think. I guess I took that to heart. The good news is that absolutely anyone can train himself or herself to draw. With the right tools to support you it’s a little bit like learning to ride a bike – you just have to keep doing it until you tease out your own style of drawing.Our
second exploration, code named Napoleon is complementary to Mighty. This digital ruler is designed to bring back some of the feeling of drawing with analog tools like the t-square and triangle. Adobe has been talking about building a physical drawing aid like this ever since we built our first digital drafting table, almost two years ago.
We actually started project Mighty, our “cloud pen” to help us focus on the future of drawing. I’ve always been a little obsessed with drawing. An early mentor of mine said: “If you can’t draw, you can’t think. I guess I took that to heart. The good news is that absolutely anyone can train himself or herself to draw. With the right tools to support you it’s a little bit like learning to ride a bike – you just have to keep doing it until you tease out your own style of drawing.Our
second exploration, code named Napoleon is complementary to Mighty. This digital ruler is designed to bring back some of the feeling of drawing with analog tools like the t-square and triangle. Adobe has been talking about building a physical drawing aid like this ever since we built our first digital drafting table, almost two years ago.
dinsdag 7 mei 2013
Safety Ski Pole Concept Design.
zaterdag 4 mei 2013
Digital Signage Network for Ski Lift Operator.
Navori QL software has been chosen to power the digital signage network of ski lift operator Compagnie du Mont Blanc (CMB) for the French Chamonix Mont Blanc area.
"Our partnership with one of the leading ski resort operators highlights the level of integration our technology offers," said Philip Bertolle, business development director of Navori International SA, Lausanne, Switzerland. "The installations are up and running 24/7 at altitudes up to 3,300 meters (10,827 feet) and at -40 C (-40 F) .
" The typical communications content the NAVORI QL platform delivers is public transportation departure information. Screens are also being integrated in cable lift cabins and buses.
CMB opted for the NAVORI QL technology because of the play-out quality of the system, the versatility it offers and the ease of use of the platform, the company said. CMB operates the system fully independently but can give access to third parties such as the tourist office to access part of the programming on the different screens.
Chamonix-based Compagnie du Mont-Blanc (CMB) was one of the first ski lift companies to operate in France. Under a concession contract, the CMB is engaged in serving and providing transportation in the mountains by ski lifts, chairlifts, gondolas, cable cars and cog railways. CMB operates in the municipalities of Chamonix, Vallorcine and St. Gervais and manages four high-altitude ski areas in the Chamonix valley: Les Grands Montets, Balme, Brévent-Flégère, Les Houches; and three world-famous excursion sites: Aiguille du Midi, Montenvers - Mer de Glace and the Mont Blanc Tramway.
vrijdag 3 mei 2013
They use Digital Signage to find new talent.
Bron; www.outputmagazine.com
Out-of-home software developer Key Systems is 'putting its money where its mouth is' by advertising its job vacancies on digital posters around Birmingham. Signature Outdoor's CityVision digital screens in the city centre are broadcasting its employment ads to thousands of passersby every day.
"In meeting the demand for global expansion, Key Systems has built its team of highly skilled and committed developers over many years," comments Mike Dillon, Key Systems chief executive. "By using the out-of-home medium, and digital signage in particular, we will attract the right candidates. We also want to demonstrate that we believe in the reach and power of outdoor media."
CityVision, launched by Signature Outdoor just last year, features a 4 x 6m digital billboard outside Birmingham's Bullring shopping centre, and a 6 x 3m LED screen in the heart of the city, which has recently gone live. The network is powered by a Scala media player coupled with Key Systems's Fusion software and Digital Director module for scheduling and content management.
Key Systems is looking for C#, VB.Net and SQL software developers to work on a number of projects, including opportunities in the USA, Europe and Australia, the company adds.
donderdag 2 mei 2013
Introducing Ocean’s First City Centre Full-Motion Digital Screen in Scotland.
Premium outdoor media owner Ocean Outdoor is working with Glasgow shopping destination St Enoch Centre to install Scotland’s first city centre full motion digital outdoor screen. The 12.8m by 6.1m high definition screen goes live in Glasgow today.
Ocean Outdoor marketing director Richard Malton: “This is the first screen we are installing in Glasgow and the first full motion digital screen in a Scottish city centre. Glasgow was our first port of call and we had been looking at installing one there for a while.”
Glasgow, which hosts the 2014 Commonwealth Games, is the UK’s largest retail centre outside of London. St Enoch Centre is one of the busiest shopping malls in Scotland, attracting more than 20 million shoppers last year.
More information and a video via Ocean News.
Europe's largest digital screen.
The combined length of the two giant LED panels is almost equal to that of a Boeing 747, says One Outdoor
One Outdoor Media has unveiled what it claims is Europe's largest digital screen, located at junction 9 of the M6 in Walsall. The panels are 'almost the length of a Boeing 747' says One Outdoor, a subsidiary of digital signage manufacturer Elonex.
The site will target both northbound and soutbound traffic with 35 x 7.2m and 30 x 7.2m displays respectively, reaching 3.44 million travellers every fortnight. It can also be seen from nearby industrial and residential areas, making it 'one of the most prominent advertising sites in Europe'.
"We are thrilled to increase our portfolio of displays with this iconic site," comments One Outdoor managing director Christian Clayton. "We are poised to make a difference in outdoor advertising by leading the European market with large scale format screens to promote the UK and the business within."
Elonex chief executive Nick Smith adds: "This project is part of our 2013/2014 £14 million investment into a UK-wide roll-out of large-format premium advertising locations in regional cities across the country. The screen carries some unique technology developed in the UK by our dedicated research and design team."
woensdag 1 mei 2013
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