De positie van beeldscherm leveranciers in de Duitstalige markt.
Duitsland - Oostenrijk - Zwitserland.
zaterdag 29 juni 2013
Mit einem Fest der digitalen Kunst ehrt die französische Stadt bis zum 4. August 2013 die Renaissance und die heutige Zeit als Perioden der Erfindungen und Entdeckungen.
Auch das „Water Light Graffiti“ des KünstlersAntonin Fourneau ist dort zu sehen und zu erleben. Fourneau hat mit tausenden LEDs, die auf Feuchtigkeit regieren, eine Oberfläche geschaffen, die mit Sprühflasche, Wassereimer oder angefeuchteter Hand bespielt werden kann. Es ist möglich zu malen oder Nachrichten zu schreiben. Diese spielerische Art der vergänglichen Kommunikation im urbanen Raum versprüht eine ganz besondere Magie und macht dazu auch noch jede Menge Spaß.
Das „Water Light Graffiti“ wurde schon auf Kunstfestivals und Ausstellungen präsentiert. Die Installation steht auch mietweise zur Verfügung. Kontakt:
vrijdag 28 juni 2013
The Herz ExpressRent kiosks.
The Hertz Corp. has won the Digital Screenmedia Association's (DSA) Industry Excellence Award for "Best Travel Deployment" for the company's ExpressRent virtual agent kiosks, designed and deployed with the help of NCR Corp.
Hertz ExpressRent kiosks combine the flexibility and speed of self-service with the option of a personal touch by enabling live video chat with a Hertz agent who walks customers through the entire transaction. The car rental kiosks accept debit and credit card payments, validate drivers' licenses and print out the car rental agreement.
"The ExpressRent kiosks allow us to provide an exceptional customer experience by bringing the best self-service technology available and blending it with the human touch," said Joe Eckroth, CIO of Park Ridge, N.J.-based Hertz.
Hertz's ExpressRent Kiosk speeds up the car rental process and optimizes staffing during peak times at Hertz locations. It also allows Hertz to expand its reach to non-traditional locations where people may want to rent a car, like auto body shops or car dealerships, but which don't meet the volume for full-service locations.
Since deploying the ExpressRent kiosks, Hertz reports more than 10,000 transactions per week on the kiosks, with 82 percent of customers rating the experience positively. Facilitating live interaction with Hertz agents has also impacted ancillary revenues by allowing customers to choose upgrade and insurance options during the rental process.
Hertz worked with NCR to drive utilization and develop a better queuing system. By positioning the kiosks to face the queue and employing signage alerting passengers to the "live agent" kiosk, Hertz saw 38 percent of customers exit the queue to serve themselves.
"Facilitating real-time, live interaction between Hertz and its customers through self-service has had a measurable and significant impact on efficiency, revenue and satisfaction at Hertz," said Tyler Craig, general manager and vice president, NCR Travel, Duluth, Ga. "NCR congratulates Hertz for its continued commitment to delivering the best experience for its customers and on this award."
The Digital Screenmedia Association Industry Excellence Awards honors the best digital signage, mobile and self-service kiosk technology deployments across all vertical market segments.
Hertz ExpressRent kiosks combine the flexibility and speed of self-service with the option of a personal touch by enabling live video chat with a Hertz agent who walks customers through the entire transaction. The car rental kiosks accept debit and credit card payments, validate drivers' licenses and print out the car rental agreement.
"The ExpressRent kiosks allow us to provide an exceptional customer experience by bringing the best self-service technology available and blending it with the human touch," said Joe Eckroth, CIO of Park Ridge, N.J.-based Hertz.
Hertz's ExpressRent Kiosk speeds up the car rental process and optimizes staffing during peak times at Hertz locations. It also allows Hertz to expand its reach to non-traditional locations where people may want to rent a car, like auto body shops or car dealerships, but which don't meet the volume for full-service locations.
Since deploying the ExpressRent kiosks, Hertz reports more than 10,000 transactions per week on the kiosks, with 82 percent of customers rating the experience positively. Facilitating live interaction with Hertz agents has also impacted ancillary revenues by allowing customers to choose upgrade and insurance options during the rental process.
Hertz worked with NCR to drive utilization and develop a better queuing system. By positioning the kiosks to face the queue and employing signage alerting passengers to the "live agent" kiosk, Hertz saw 38 percent of customers exit the queue to serve themselves.
"Facilitating real-time, live interaction between Hertz and its customers through self-service has had a measurable and significant impact on efficiency, revenue and satisfaction at Hertz," said Tyler Craig, general manager and vice president, NCR Travel, Duluth, Ga. "NCR congratulates Hertz for its continued commitment to delivering the best experience for its customers and on this award."
The Digital Screenmedia Association Industry Excellence Awards honors the best digital signage, mobile and self-service kiosk technology deployments across all vertical market segments.
woensdag 26 juni 2013
2 x 2 videowall with 25% saving.
For a limited period, NEC is offering a 4 x 46” display bundle incorporating all the components needed to create a professional 2 x 2 videowall with 25% saving on individual component pricing. With high-definition 1080p resolution and direct LED backlight technology, the NEC MultiSync® X463UN provides outstanding uniformity with a supremely narrow bezel width. NEC’s advanced heat management makes this display perfect for 24/7 use whilst its ambient light sensor ensures minimal power consumption. With a powerful Core i5 slot-in PC included in the bundle, the kit delivers the complete package for applications that require precise, high performance images in retail, control rooms, corporates and transportation.
More information
dinsdag 25 juni 2013
Digital signage 'kills showrooming'
Watch a video about the Sport Chek Retail Lab project, winner of the Screenmedia Integration Award:
maandag 24 juni 2013
New Panasonic display brings higher brightness to the outdoors.
Launching in August 2013, the new 47” Panasonic TH-47LFX6 display provides bright, crisp information at 1,000cd/m2, even when rain, dust and sunlight are challenges to overcome – making it excellent for outdoor town guides and menu boards at drive-through restaurants.
As well as this high-brightness capability, a wide viewing angle ensures crisp and clear images for all viewers, meaning information is accurately relayed and visibility is superb.
Demonstrating its outdoor capabilities, an air-cooled system suppresses temperature rises in the LCD panel from direct sunlight exposure, preventing blackouts. IP44-level dust and water resistance also makes the display ready for poor weather conditions.
Its DIGITAL LINK function means images and sound can be transmitted to the display from a PC located anything up to 100 metres away – all via a single cable.
A Motorcycle Helmet With A Head-Up Display.
Russian inventors have created a motorcycle helmet with built-in navigation. The LiveMap helmet displays full-color, translucent images and text right on the visor, so riders can check their speed, view the time, and get directions, all without taking their eyes off the road.
Through Indiegogo, the device's creators are hoping to raise $150,000 by July 12. The LiveMap, which is only slightly larger than a regular helmet, includes voice control, a digital compass, and a light sensor that adjusts display brightness depending on whether it's dark or light out.
The LiveMap helmet also comes with some smart safety features. The minimalistic interface means users will not be able to play games or watch videos on the device (phew), and the visor will only display an overview map if the bike's speed is close to zero.
The inventors plan to sell the helmet for $2,000, though donors to the Indiegogo campaign can pre-order for $1,500.
Here's a somewhat-hilarious video of the helmet in action:
Touch-Technologien auf dem Vormarsch
Forsa Befragung zum Thema „Touchscreen“
- n=1.002 Auftraggeber Lewis PR/LG Electronics
- Mehrheitlich werden alle sechs Anwendungsbereiche als zukunftsfähig für den Einsatz von Touchscreens angesehen
- Bis auf die Arbeit mit Office-Programmen sehen die Befragten mehrheitlich Vorteile bei einer Eingabemöglichkeit über einen Touchscreen
- Am beliebtesten – und wohl auch am etabliertesten - ist die Bedienung mit einem Finger (44%), gefolgt von der
- Zehn-Finger-Variante (37%) bei der z. B. auch mehrere Personen an einem Bildschirm spielen können
- Ein knappes Drittel plädiert für die Nutzung eines Eingabestiftes
- Ein Fünftel meint, der Touchscreen solle sich mit dem Zwei-Finger-System bedienen lassen
zaterdag 22 juni 2013
Mit einer ungewöhnlichen visuellen Inszenierung warb die amerikanische Agentur Struck für den Bundesstaat Utah als Reiseziel. Die Montgomery Street BART Station, eine Haltestelle im öffentlichen Nahverkehr im kalifornischen San Francisco, wurde durch optisch augeklügelte Vollverklebung umgestaltet und versetzte die Pendler direkt nach Utah in den Arches National Park.
Laut Stuck hat es einige Überzeugungsarbeit gekostet, den Flächenvermarkter der Haltestelle zu einer Lösung, die weit über das „Normale“ hinaus geht, zu bewegen. Das Ergebnis hat aber dann neben allen beteiligten Unternehmen vor allem auch die Fahrgäste überzeugt. Die konnten via #visitutah Hashtag sofort ihren Ausflug zu den Naturwundern Utahs planen.
vrijdag 21 juni 2013
Forrester 'Google Glass wordt volgende iPhone'
Dat blijkt uit onderzoek van Forrester dat ook de voorspelling doet dat de augmented reality-bril ‘de volgende iPhone’ zal worden.
Het onderzoeksbureau stelt tegelijkertijd dat Google nog niet zo ver is. "Glass is op dit moment meer vergelijkbaar met de Apple Newton", aldus Forrester. De Newton was een van de eerste PDA’s.
"Daarmee bedoelen we dat Glass erg overtuigend is, maar nog bijzonder gelimiteerd in de huidige vorm, net als de Newton destijds. Glass wordt constant verbeterd met updates en nieuwe apps. We hebben geen twijfel dat het op termijn de volgende iPhone zal worden", stelt het onderzoeksbureau verwijzend naar het succes van de smartphone van Apple.
Voordat Forrester tot deze conclusie kwam werd onderzoek gedaan onder 4600 inwoners van de Verenigde Staten. Hen werd gevraagd naar de interesse in draagbare elektronica. 12 procent gaf aan geïnteresseerd te zijn in Glass.
Elektronica verwerkt in sieraden (12 procent), verwerkt in kleding (15 procent) en een smartwatch (28 procent) waren echter populairder. Bekijk een volledig overzicht van welke vormen van draagbare elektronica populair zijn.
Bijvoorbeeld Appe lijkt te werken aan een smartwatch. Er gaan bovendien geruchten dat Google zelf ook met een dergelijk apparaat bezig is en Samsung bevestigde onlangs dat het op termijn met een smartwatch zal komen.
Google Glass wordt de volgende iPhone. Op dit moment is het apparaat nog beperkt, maar heeft toch al 12 procent van de Amerikanen interesse in het product.
Foto: Bloomberg
Dat blijkt uit onderzoek van Forrester dat ook de voorspelling doet dat de augmented reality-bril ‘de volgende iPhone’ zal worden.
Het onderzoeksbureau stelt tegelijkertijd dat Google nog niet zo ver is. "Glass is op dit moment meer vergelijkbaar met de Apple Newton", aldus Forrester. De Newton was een van de eerste PDA’s.
Voordat Forrester tot deze conclusie kwam werd onderzoek gedaan onder 4600 inwoners van de Verenigde Staten. Hen werd gevraagd naar de interesse in draagbare elektronica. 12 procent gaf aan geïnteresseerd te zijn in Glass.
Elektronica verwerkt in sieraden (12 procent), verwerkt in kleding (15 procent) en een smartwatch (28 procent) waren echter populairder. Bekijk een volledig overzicht van welke vormen van draagbare elektronica populair zijn.
Bijvoorbeeld Appe lijkt te werken aan een smartwatch. Er gaan bovendien geruchten dat Google zelf ook met een dergelijk apparaat bezig is en Samsung bevestigde onlangs dat het op termijn met een smartwatch zal komen.
Niets zo veranderlijk als het weer.
Niets zo veranderlijk als het weer - Dit digital Billboard verandert gewoon mee. !
donderdag 20 juni 2013
Schneiden, Hacken, Surfen.
Siobhán Andrews – Designerin des interaktiven Schneidbrett-Konzepts Chop-Syc – hat mit ihrer Erfindung ein bezahltes Praktikum bei den Sharp Laboratories of Europe (SLE) gewonnen. Mit ihrem auf Basis eines Touchscreen-Tablets hergestellten Chop-Syc kann während des Kochens nach Rezepten und Tipps im Internet gesucht werden.
#GetItDownOnPaper durch. Dort hatten die Bewerber via Twitter ihre Vorschläge eingereicht. Siobhán Andrews hat jetzt das begehrte Ticket nach Oxford gewonnen, wo die SLE ihren Sitz haben.
Mit dem Chop-Syc-Konzept überzeugte Andrews die Jury und setzte sich gegen mehr als 70 weitere Vorschläge beim Sharp-Wettbewerb
Schneiden, Hacken, Surfen
Die Idee zu Chop-Syc entstand beim Kochen aus der schwierigen Situation heraus, mit Essensresten an den Händen Ernährungstipps aus Rezeptbüchern und Online-Informationen einzuholen. Siobhán, die derzeiit ihr letztes Studienjahr für nachhaltiges Produktdesign an der Universität Falmouth absolviert, beschreibt ihre Erfindung folgendermaßen: „Grundsätzlich handelt es sich um ein Display unter einem interaktiven Schneidbrett, so dass man das Gerät ganz normal zum Kochen benutzen kann während es gleichzeitig die Verbindung zu verschiedenen Websites mit gesunden Rezepten herstellt. Zudem können Websites aufgerufen werden, welche Auskunft über Portionsgrößen geben.“
Kommt ohne Kabel oder Batterie aus
Das Display besteht aus gehärtetem, kratzfestem Glas und kann auf einer Ladefläche platziert werden, was Kabelanschlüsse oder Batterien unnötig macht. Um das Brett herum befindet sich eine 2mm hohe Kante, damit Flüssigkeiten nicht herunterlaufen. An einer Seite hat der Bildschirm zudem eine leichte Abschrägung, damit die Nahrungsmittel leichter vom Brett in die Pfanne geschoben werden können. Die Wissenschaftler bei Sharp sind nach eigener Aussage so von Chop-Syc beeindruckt, dass sie das Konzept möglicherweise Realität werden lassen.
woensdag 19 juni 2013
InfoComm 2013: Planar Announces UltraRes Touch 4K Professional Display
Planar Announces UltraRes Touch 4K Professional Display.
dinsdag 18 juni 2013
Is 3D TV Dying ??
3D TV is back in the news, but not in a good way. This morning, an ESPN PR spokesperson announced in a tweet that they were discontinuing 3D to focus on other things, like UHD. This move had been rumored for some time in the tech press, stemming from a 2011 decision by AT&T U-Verse to stop carrying 3D channels and a significant lack of 3D news coming from ESPN recently as it announced its fall college football coverage.
But really… is anyone surprised?
Over the last year, as demonstrated in DisplaySearch TV shipment data, 3D has shown no real growth in the North America market. Meanwhile, in other parts of the world, 3D has continued to grow, although that growth has recently tailed off a bit.

Figure 1 – 3D Share of TV Shipments (DisplaySearch)
The reason for the poor adoption in what many considered to be the best market for 3D? I believe there are a multiple reasons for the low interest:
3D, as a feature, one that is often offered with other features, still carries a hefty premium and U.S. consumers have been very unwilling in recent years to spend more for features when they can get a large size instead. The average 3D premium for a 55” TV in North America was more than 40 percent in Q1’13, almost exactly the same as it was in Q1’11. US consumers seem to be far more price sensitive than other regions.
Burden of 3D glasses. Consumers have cited the expense and inconvenience of having to use 3D glasses, of any type, in order to view 3D programs. Given a choice, most consumers would prefer glasses-free 3D TVs, but the technology is a long way from being consumer friendly.
Demonstrations at retail are often not functioning properly.
Consumers in the U.S. have been exposed to 3D at home many times in the past (anyone remember red/green anaglyphic glasses that used to come in cereal boxes?) and the experience has been poorly received. This time around, there is a fair bit of skepticism. In other parts of the world, 3D at home is a fairly new experience and the level of wonder and optimism for content is probably sustaining demand.
Finally, content has been very limited, even 3 years after the launch. Few live programs are available in 3D and most of what is available (exclusive of 3D Blu-Ray releases) is from a limited range of material that is re-run often.
It’s understandable that content creators are hesitant to continue investing in costly new technologies if the viewer base is not growing at an attractive rate. However, this move by ESPN might signal that the momentum has shifted away from 3D in the U.S. and TV manufacturers and retailers would be wise to take note.
But really… is anyone surprised?
Over the last year, as demonstrated in DisplaySearch TV shipment data, 3D has shown no real growth in the North America market. Meanwhile, in other parts of the world, 3D has continued to grow, although that growth has recently tailed off a bit.
Figure 1 – 3D Share of TV Shipments (DisplaySearch)
The reason for the poor adoption in what many considered to be the best market for 3D? I believe there are a multiple reasons for the low interest:
3D, as a feature, one that is often offered with other features, still carries a hefty premium and U.S. consumers have been very unwilling in recent years to spend more for features when they can get a large size instead. The average 3D premium for a 55” TV in North America was more than 40 percent in Q1’13, almost exactly the same as it was in Q1’11. US consumers seem to be far more price sensitive than other regions.
Burden of 3D glasses. Consumers have cited the expense and inconvenience of having to use 3D glasses, of any type, in order to view 3D programs. Given a choice, most consumers would prefer glasses-free 3D TVs, but the technology is a long way from being consumer friendly.
Demonstrations at retail are often not functioning properly.
Consumers in the U.S. have been exposed to 3D at home many times in the past (anyone remember red/green anaglyphic glasses that used to come in cereal boxes?) and the experience has been poorly received. This time around, there is a fair bit of skepticism. In other parts of the world, 3D at home is a fairly new experience and the level of wonder and optimism for content is probably sustaining demand.
Finally, content has been very limited, even 3 years after the launch. Few live programs are available in 3D and most of what is available (exclusive of 3D Blu-Ray releases) is from a limited range of material that is re-run often.
It’s understandable that content creators are hesitant to continue investing in costly new technologies if the viewer base is not growing at an attractive rate. However, this move by ESPN might signal that the momentum has shifted away from 3D in the U.S. and TV manufacturers and retailers would be wise to take note.
Digital Signage in a Box.
Digital Signage - You don’t need to be a graphic designer or IT expert to make effective and attractive digital signage. Mitsubishi Electric Visual Solutions America, Inc. (IRVINE, CA) and Shuttle Computer Group, Inc. have created a new turn-key hardware, software and content system bundle that features everything you need to create compelling digital signage. No other display or media player company has offered such a combination of free professionally-designed graphics with a digital-signage-in-a-box hardware solution.
The bundle features one or two 42-inch or 46-inch commercial-grade Mitsubishi Electric LCD flat panel display(s), Shuttle digital media player(s) and all necessary cables. It also includes 90 days of free content management software and service.
“Our new partnership with Shuttle makes it really easy for people to migrate into digital signage, allowing them to quickly and easily install, connect and start using their signs right away,” said James Chan, vice president of marketing, Mitsubishi Electric Visual Solutions America, Inc. “They can create a visual feast for menus, advertising and other messaging and/or content in a virtual plug-and-play scenario.
” Many people feel they need technical proficiency in computers and artistic expertise for graphic design to create and use digital signage effectively. With 90 days’ free content management software and service, users can employ templates to quickly and easily create and display their content. And Shuttle offers on-line and or telephone support Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Pacific Time.
“Our customers don’t need to be the experts — that’s why we’re here,” said Marty Lash, director, sales and marketing, Shuttle Computer Group, Inc. “With Mitsubishi Electric’s and Shuttle’s combined reputation for quality and excellence, we offer the best monitors, media players and design expertise to create a turn-key solution.
” The turn-key bundles (Mitsubishi Electric part numbers L422-STXS35, L422-2-STDS61, L462-STXS35, L462-2-STDS61) come with either one or two 42-inch (LDT422V) or 46-inch Mitsubishi Electric monitors (LDT462V) that can be set up in portrait or landscape formats. A networkable Shuttle media player (XS35V2-MITS or DS61V1.1-MITS) and associated cables are also included. The monitors offer a wide range of connectivity options, such as HDMI™ and DVI-D for clear, crisp video and audio transmission over a single cable.
Press Release
The bundle features one or two 42-inch or 46-inch commercial-grade Mitsubishi Electric LCD flat panel display(s), Shuttle digital media player(s) and all necessary cables. It also includes 90 days of free content management software and service.
“Our new partnership with Shuttle makes it really easy for people to migrate into digital signage, allowing them to quickly and easily install, connect and start using their signs right away,” said James Chan, vice president of marketing, Mitsubishi Electric Visual Solutions America, Inc. “They can create a visual feast for menus, advertising and other messaging and/or content in a virtual plug-and-play scenario.
” Many people feel they need technical proficiency in computers and artistic expertise for graphic design to create and use digital signage effectively. With 90 days’ free content management software and service, users can employ templates to quickly and easily create and display their content. And Shuttle offers on-line and or telephone support Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Pacific Time.
“Our customers don’t need to be the experts — that’s why we’re here,” said Marty Lash, director, sales and marketing, Shuttle Computer Group, Inc. “With Mitsubishi Electric’s and Shuttle’s combined reputation for quality and excellence, we offer the best monitors, media players and design expertise to create a turn-key solution.
” The turn-key bundles (Mitsubishi Electric part numbers L422-STXS35, L422-2-STDS61, L462-STXS35, L462-2-STDS61) come with either one or two 42-inch (LDT422V) or 46-inch Mitsubishi Electric monitors (LDT462V) that can be set up in portrait or landscape formats. A networkable Shuttle media player (XS35V2-MITS or DS61V1.1-MITS) and associated cables are also included. The monitors offer a wide range of connectivity options, such as HDMI™ and DVI-D for clear, crisp video and audio transmission over a single cable.
Press Release
zondag 16 juni 2013
The Future Is Swiping.
Here’s a video that suggests how gesture technology will be a part of everyday life as the sensing technology gets more granular. It’s a wee bit cloying as a cute couple goes from lust at first sight to marriage proposal (sorry, spoiled it for you), but is effective in showing what could/can be done.
Adobe live street retouching.
Adobe advertised their live event “Adobe Creative Day” with one of the best bus stop street stunts. Waiting passengers were photographed and retouched in real time, half freaking them out, half entertaining them. Well worth the wait for a bus.
One Photoshop magician, one bus stop and lots of hidden cameras. For more creativity in action visit to see the event live online at Adobe Creative Day on June 11, 2013, at 9.00 (Finland 10.00).
One Photoshop magician, one bus stop and lots of hidden cameras. For more creativity in action visit to see the event live online at Adobe Creative Day on June 11, 2013, at 9.00 (Finland 10.00).
zaterdag 15 juni 2013
videowall collaboration with control software.
Paul Vander Plaeste, VuWall Technology, explains how the company’s videowall control software can be used in a collaboration setting.
donderdag 13 juni 2013
Real-Time Video Windmill.
TV One, a designer and manufacturer of video processing equipment, will exhibit at InfoComm 2013 an unprecedented display of real-time video manipulation with the new CORIOmaster mini.
The company's technological exhibit, coined the "Real-Time Video Windmill," features a rotating array of four 50-inch flat panel displays showing video that maintains a stable horizon even as the displays rotate 360 degrees in real time. Video sources will include live showroom floor video as well as compelling streaming media.
To showcase its full potential, the CORIOmaster mini will alternate between displaying a stable horizon while displays rotate, rotating video in sync with the displays or counter-rotating video in the opposite direction of the rotating displays. Critical in the delivery of clean video rotation and many other features of CORIOmaster mini is the product’s maximum video delay of two frames in any application or resolution.
"Manufacturers and software developers a have been trying for years to pull this off," said Sean Burke , president, Providence, R.I.-based Nortek Technology Solutions Group, TV One's parent company, "and we have accomplished it all in our new single RU CORIOmaster mini processor!"
TV One’s CORIOmaster technology has been developed to provide system designers with the power to create video display environments that were never before possible.
TV One will demonstrate the CORIO family at InfoComm 2013 in Orlando, Fla., June 12-14.
The company's technological exhibit, coined the "Real-Time Video Windmill," features a rotating array of four 50-inch flat panel displays showing video that maintains a stable horizon even as the displays rotate 360 degrees in real time. Video sources will include live showroom floor video as well as compelling streaming media.
To showcase its full potential, the CORIOmaster mini will alternate between displaying a stable horizon while displays rotate, rotating video in sync with the displays or counter-rotating video in the opposite direction of the rotating displays. Critical in the delivery of clean video rotation and many other features of CORIOmaster mini is the product’s maximum video delay of two frames in any application or resolution.
"Manufacturers and software developers a have been trying for years to pull this off," said Sean Burke , president, Providence, R.I.-based Nortek Technology Solutions Group, TV One's parent company, "and we have accomplished it all in our new single RU CORIOmaster mini processor!"
TV One’s CORIOmaster technology has been developed to provide system designers with the power to create video display environments that were never before possible.
TV One will demonstrate the CORIO family at InfoComm 2013 in Orlando, Fla., June 12-14.
the giant video gateway from Samsung at infocomm13 in the Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, Florida // 8 - 14 june 2013
dinsdag 11 juni 2013
New morphing phone concept with a plastic-logic flexible display.
Researchers from Canada's Queen's University's Human Media Lab developed a new morphing smartphone concept that can change its shapes to give notifications without any noise. The concept uses a flexible e-paper display made by PlasticLogic. This is just an early prototype, and the researchers estimate that it will take 5-10 years to commercialize such technology.
Earlier in 2013 the same research group unveiled the PaperTab - a flexible paper-like tablet, based on Plastic Logic's 10.7" flexible touch E Ink displays and Intel's Core i5 processors.
Earlier in 2013 the same research group unveiled the PaperTab - a flexible paper-like tablet, based on Plastic Logic's 10.7" flexible touch E Ink displays and Intel's Core i5 processors.
Scientists build soft, transparent contact lens displays with nanomaterials.
Of the contact lens display prototypes that we've seen so far, few if any are focused on comfort -- a slight problem when they're meant to sit on our eyeballs. A collaboration between Samsung and multiple universities may solve this with display tech that's meant to be cozy from the start. By putting silver nanowires between graphene layers, researchers have created transparent conductors that can drive LEDs while remaining flexible enough to sit on a contact lens. Current test lenses only have one pixel, but they're so soft that rabbits can wear them for five hours without strain. Scientists also see the seemingly inevitable, Glass-like wearable display as just one development path -- they're working on biosensors and active vision correction. While there's still a long way to go before we reach a cyberpunk future of near-invisible displays, we may finally have some of the groundwork in place.
maandag 10 juni 2013
University of Tokyo Unveils Airborne Ultrasound Tactile Display.
Over the years we have seen prototypes for projectors turning skin into touch interfaces. The latest is a product called Airborne Ultrasound Tactile Display that was developed by the University of Tokyo. The system is rather bulky right now and consists of a projector, PC, and several fans to create “tactile sensations.” This means that the fans create pressure on the user’s skin, similar to the rumble feature of a game controller. The system can create interactive displays as well as video. It uses motion tracking as well so that the image displays on the hand at all times. Unfortunately there is no information about further development.
public displays is expected to see a significant surge in growth over the next four years.
The global market for digital screens used as public displays is expected to see a significant surge in growth over the next four years, according to a new report from NPD DisplaySearch, a market research and consulting firm.
NPD’s latest quarterly report forecasts a compound average growth rate (CAGR) of 23 per cent from 2013 through 2017.The company explains this growth follows the market’s first double-digit growth decline of 18 per cent in 2012, when liquid crystal display (LCD) shipments were relatively flat and plasma display panel (PDP) shipments collapsed.
NPD attributes the positive outlook for the next four years (see chart) to a variety of factors and trends, including an improving global economy, demand from emerging markets, price reductions for larger displays and potential upticks in demand linked to specific upcoming major events, such as the 2014 Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) World Cup in Brazil.
NPD also credits the majority of this market growth to an increase in the production and sales of large-screen LCDs. According to the company’s collected statistics, in 2012, shipments of these displays larger than 1.5 m (60 in.) grew by 89 per cent, year-over-year, and they are expected to grow by another 35 per cent this year. With continued strong growth anticipated, the shipments should top one million units by 2017.
“The supply side has been preparing for this growth for several years, investing in new fabrication plants to manufacture larger LCD panels,” explains Todd Fender, a senior analyst at the consultancy. “Additionally, some panel manufacturers are focusing more attention on economical cuts from their current glass substrates, resulting in newer, slightly larger sizes. Others are experimenting with a new technique called multi-modal glass (MMG), where two different-sized panel products are cut from the same substrate. This new production will lead to increased competition, price erosion and increased demand.”
As for PDPs, NPD suggests 1.27-m (50-in.) panels may be the only size still available after 2015.
“The good news is users will be able to purchase larger LCDs at lower prices,” says Fender. “The bad news is they could no longer see some of the traditional sizes.”
donderdag 6 juni 2013
XE always promoted outside-of-the-box campaigns to relate with irreverent youngsters, its main target audience. However, this February and March, it exceeded the level of stratosphere, with AXE Apollo Space Shuttle, a truly revolutionary brand activation!
To encourage applications for AXE Apollo Space Academy (worldwide competition that will take 22 people to Space), the lift of Praça Luís de Camões parking, in Lisbon, was transformed into a real Space Shuttle!
On the lift floor, there was an LED display that, as the lift rose, presented a hyper-realistic 3D video, with the route from Praça Luís de Camões to the Outer Space! This impactful visual effect, combined with the massive sound of a rocket lifting off, created a vertiginous sensation, to which no one was indifferent. The experience was so immersive, that you could even feel the cabin shaking!
Creativity and implementation were made by Nebula (creation of video and sound environment) and EDIGMA (installation of video and sound system, software integration), Brandkey was responsible for lift decoration, and project coordination was undertaken by Initiative and Ensemble, agencies of Mediabrands group.
Only in the first month of the campaign, 30.000 users have experienced the feeling of going to Space, helping AXE to gather 10.500 astronaut candidates and get 86.000 votes.
As the “icing on the cake”, this project won the Silver prize in the Alternative Campaign category of the prestigious Meios & Publicidade awards.
De Sony VPL-FHZ55
De Sony VPL-FHZ55 is vanaf nu officieel leverbaar. Deze nieuwe projector is 's wereld eerste 3LCD laser-projector en Sony kondigt hem dan ook groots aan met een Europese Campagne "See things in a new light".
Deze projector is het nieuwe parade paardje van Sony voor de professionele AV-markt. Met 4000 Ansi Lumen en een contrast ratio van 8000:1 levert dit een prachtig, helder beeld op. De VPL-FHZ55 heeft een WUXGA (1920 x 1200 pixels) resolutie en door middel van de laser lichtbron gaat de projector wel 20.000 uur mee. Hierdoor bespaart u al snel 5 dure UHP-lampen en is hierdoor energie zuiniger dan de huidige generatie projectoren.
Door de nieuwe technieken die zijn toegepast is deze projector uitermate geschikt in vrijwel elke omgeving. Geen uitdaging is te groot. Beelden naadloos blenden met meerdere projectoren? Projectoren op gebogen oppervlakken? Instaleren op de zijkant of onderste boven? Deze nieuwe Sony VPL-FHZ55 kan het allemaal aan!
Standaard wordt deze Sony projector geleverd met 5 jaar garantie. Het garantiepakket houdt in dat tijdens de 5 jaar durende garantie bij eventuele gebreken of defecten de projector kosteloos wordt opgehaald, gerepareerd en retour wordt gebracht.
Deze projector is het nieuwe parade paardje van Sony voor de professionele AV-markt. Met 4000 Ansi Lumen en een contrast ratio van 8000:1 levert dit een prachtig, helder beeld op. De VPL-FHZ55 heeft een WUXGA (1920 x 1200 pixels) resolutie en door middel van de laser lichtbron gaat de projector wel 20.000 uur mee. Hierdoor bespaart u al snel 5 dure UHP-lampen en is hierdoor energie zuiniger dan de huidige generatie projectoren.
Door de nieuwe technieken die zijn toegepast is deze projector uitermate geschikt in vrijwel elke omgeving. Geen uitdaging is te groot. Beelden naadloos blenden met meerdere projectoren? Projectoren op gebogen oppervlakken? Instaleren op de zijkant of onderste boven? Deze nieuwe Sony VPL-FHZ55 kan het allemaal aan!
Standaard wordt deze Sony projector geleverd met 5 jaar garantie. Het garantiepakket houdt in dat tijdens de 5 jaar durende garantie bij eventuele gebreken of defecten de projector kosteloos wordt opgehaald, gerepareerd en retour wordt gebracht.
woensdag 5 juni 2013
Projection Advertising Launched Out Of Screen Immersive Mapping.
Projection Advertising has just launched Out Of Screen Mapping, the ultimate tool for conferences and presentations. It transforms the area around a screen with projected effects to enhance content and immerse viewers in a unique, never-seen-before 3D experience.
dinsdag 4 juni 2013
Riesigen Videowalls am Flughafen Wien.
Seit der Eröffnung des neuen Terminals in Wien im Juni 2012 steht die riesige Digital Signage Installation an den Sicherheitsschleusen im Fokus der Branche. Bisher wurde eine von Ars Electronica entwickelter tageszeitenabhängiger Videoart-Content abgespielt. Auch eine Werbevermarktung wird vom Flughafen Wien in Zukunft angestrebt. Insgesamt 165 Displays fügen sich im Securitybereich des neuen Flughafenterminals zu einem riesigen 15 Meter breiten und 9 Meter hohen Display mit einer Anzeigefläche von mehr als 530 Megapixel zusammen.
Um auf dieser einzigartigen Fotowand Gigapixelbilder zeigen zu können, sind 60 Server, eine Prozessorleistung von 720 Gigahertz und eine von Ars Electronica eigens entwickelte Software nötig. Letztere zerlegt die hochaufgelösten Bilder in winzig kleine Schnipsel, verteilt sie auf die Server und macht dadurch eine verlustfreie Darstellung der riesigen Bilder möglich. Genau dieses prototypische Zusammenspiel von Hard- und Softwarekomponenten eröffnet den Passagieren des Flughafens Wien künftig einmalige visuelle Eindrücke.
Seit der Eröffnung des neuen Terminals in Wien im Juni 2012 steht die riesige Digital Signage Installation an den Sicherheitsschleusen im Fokus der Branche. Bisher wurde eine von Ars Electronica entwickelter tageszeitenabhängiger Videoart-Content abgespielt. Auch eine Werbevermarktung wird vom Flughafen Wien in Zukunft angestrebt. Insgesamt 165 Displays fügen sich im Securitybereich des neuen Flughafenterminals zu einem riesigen 15 Meter breiten und 9 Meter hohen Display mit einer Anzeigefläche von mehr als 530 Megapixel zusammen.
maandag 3 juni 2013
Reclametotem met ledscherm.
Buva rationele bouwproducten in Barendrecht heeft onlangs een enorme totem geplaatst langs de A29. Om een echte eyecatcher te realiseren, heeft Data Display een groot ledscherm in de totem geplaatst.
Buva is een producent en leverancier van bouwproducten, zoals hang- en sluitwerk, dorpels en ramen. Voor hun pand aan de snelweg A29 wilde men graag een echte eyecatcher realiseren. Met dat uitgangspunt is een enorme totem geplaatst, wat door Data Display is voorzien van een groot ledscherm.
Het ledscherm heeft een afmeting van 3 meter breed en bijna 6 meter hoog. Eén van de redenen om voor een dynamisch scherm te kiezen en niet voor een vast reclameobject, is dat men hiermee meer attentiewaarde hoopt te creëren en de getoonde beelden kan afwisselen, aldus Data Display. Bovendien kan men zo eenvoudig inspelen op nieuws.Totem
De totem zelf heeft een afmeting van 15 x 4 meter en is een staalconstructie op een betonnen plint. Het ledscherm is op 7 meter hoogte geplaatst, om goed zichtbaar te zijn vanaf de snelweg. De totem is ontworpen door Knevel Archtecten.zondag 2 juni 2013
Digital Signage Europe DSE2013.
Check out the DSE2013 recap video here.
It shows the incredible growth of the Digital Signage industry!
It shows the incredible growth of the Digital Signage industry!
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