maandag 30 juni 2014

Split-flap display - The Moment We Meet.

The art installations use early split-flap displays to form 10x10 matrixes of faces. Every single display can be controlled independently and create endless number of combinations of faces. These faces convey the idea of when we meet, our emotions and expressions spread out to others', and like the old Chinese proverb: "to honor old people as we do our own aged parents, and care for other's children as one's own"

Größte LCD-Abflugtafel Europas entsteht.

Seit dieser Woche wird die große Abflugtafel im Zentralbereich des Flughafen München abgebaut und durch die angeblich größte LCD-basierte Videowall an einem europäischen Flughafen ersetzt.

Moderne LCD-Bildschirme von NEC ersetzen an vielen Stellen des Münchner Flughafens die alten LED-Wände

Analog zu Terminal 1 sollen moderne LCD-Bildschirme die alten
LED-Wände ersetzen
Laut  Medienberichten wird die neue Videowall-Installation insgesamt 72 LCD Displays umfassen – das entspricht einer Fläche von 19 x 2,30 Metern. Im Gegensatz zu der neuen Videowall basierte die gegenwärtig im Rückbau befindliche Anzeigentafel aus einzelnen Matrix-Elementen. Diese hatten den Vorteil von besonders guter Lesbarkeit, auch bei direkter Sonneneinstrahlung, sind aber nicht mehr State-of-the-Art. Die Bestandsanzeige war seit der Eröffnung des Flughafens 1992 ununterbrochen im Betrieb und entspricht nicht mehr dem Stand der Technik. Vergleichbare Anzeigen wurden bereits in den vergangenen Jahren im Terminal 1 durch Videowalls ersetzt  Ob dieselben Partner wie im Terminal 1 zum Zuge kamen ist bisher nicht bekannt.

Der Trend zu LCD-basierten Videowalls ist auch bei Flughäfen ungebrochen. Auch wenn immer öfter im modernen Terminaldesign die großen Anzeigentafeln durch ein große Anzahl von Stelen / kleinen Videowalls entlang der Laufwegen ersetzt werden. In der Praxis hat sich bewiesen, das zentrale raumhohe Abflugtafeln, wie sie früher üblich waren, den Passagierfluss abbremsen.
Für Nostalgiker noch ein Bericht vom Flughafen Frankfurt, wo eine der größten Faltblattanzeigen als zentrales Architekturelement noch am Leben gehalten wird. Bisher gab es kein Streik von Piloten oder Fluglosten ohne die üblichen TV Live-Schaltungen vor der großen Abflugtafel. Ein sehenswerter Bericht:

vrijdag 27 juni 2014


The build-up and backstage footage of Kenia@50 in Nairobi.
Projection mapping by Univate.

Double Digital in Vianen.



OOHA Media introduceert haar eerste digitale reclamemast aan de A2 bij Vianen. Deze reclamemast is vlakbij het knooppunt Everdingen gesitueerd. De A2 reclamemast is de eerste digitale reclamemast met twee megaschermen (98m² per zijde) in Nederland (maar let op: volgende week introduceert Clear Channel haar ‘double digital’ langs de A5 bij Amsterdam – de markt ontwikkelt zich snel).
Later dit jaar zal een tweede digitale reclamemast langs de A1 richting Hoevelaken in gebruik worden genomen. Met deze digitale reclamemasten wil OOHA Media inspelen op de behoefte aan flexibel in te zetten reclamecampagnes. LED-schermen maken het mogelijk snel in te spelen op de actualiteit. Klanten kunnen veel sneller wisselen tussen campagnes of visuals dankzij het gebruik van de digitale techniek.

OOHA Media is specialist in digitale Out-Of-Home-Advertising. OOHA Media is een relatief jonge speler op de markt en heeft volop ambities. Ze willen de grootste exploitant van digitale snelwegreclame in Nederland worden en werken eraan om op termijn een landelijk netwerk van 10 tot 12 digitale masten aan te kunnen bieden.

donderdag 26 juni 2014

Nescafé's MediaWall.

Nescafé's iPad driven MediaWall

Press kit :

dinsdag 24 juni 2014

A TV the size of an entire football goal has been launched by Titan, a specialist British screen manufacturer.


The television, the world’s first to retail at £1 million, has been launched in time for the FIFA World Cup.

Titan has named the limited range Zeus. As the biggest television ever created for domestic use each TV in the Zeus range is almost the size of an entire football goal, tank or a small London studio.

As well as being perfect for indoor use, Titan Screens are also engineered to work in any outdoor environment to deliver high picture quality in bright sunlight – something fans might appreciate in time for this summer’s FIFA World Cup.

At 8m x 5m – or 370 inches – it is more than four times the size of the largest existing television in the world.

Only four Zeus screens will be made with the first having already been pre-sold to a British media millionaire and the second to be built on top of a hotel on the seafront in Cannes.

With 65 billion colours and weighing almost a tonne, the television has been designed using technology developed in Britain. The TV has been engineered from scratch to create a life size visual experience for sports, games, movies and TV viewing so football fans can watch the upcoming World Cup with players at actual size at 4k – the equivalent of double high definition.

The cost, which excludes the cost of installation and delivery via a custom-built Hummer, makes it the most expensive television ever created.

Titan also creates bespoke screens aimed at the mid-range market, selling 1,000-inch TVs for £150,000.

Anthony Ganjou, ceo of Titan, said: “We have assembled the best screen technologists in the country to hand build a British-made screen which would not only be the biggest but the most extraordinary ever conceived. Following the interest in the launch range of our ultra high end 1000-inch domestic screens we decided to create something iconic and the team spent six months building the million pound screen.

“Having already pre-sold two of our £1m screens – one of which is likely to be installed at the bottom of a very large indoor swimming pool – we are open to serious enquiries in relation to the other two in the range.”

Coca-Cola and Microsoft, heating up coolers with digital signage.


Asia-Pacific beverage manufacturer Coca-Cola Amatil has added a new touch to heat up its in-store coolers in Australia, enabling them to interact with customers via mobile, gesture and touch.
Customers can use the coolers to listen to music and take photos of themselves using an integrated webcam built into each interactive cooler. The cooler also integrates augmented reality that alters their appearance on screens located on the cooler sides and in these photos with different clothes and hairstyles, and it also allows them to share their pictures on social media.
CCA, which provides soft drinks in six countries in the Asia-Pacific region, introduced the interactive coolers in order to stay ahead of the competition and appeal to young consumers. To keep costs down, it added digital signage technology to existing beverage coolers in stores and shopping malls.
Marketing company TKM9 developed the content management system used by the interactive coolers, im, using Windows Embedded, Kinect for Windows and the Microsoft Azure platform.
Early 2013 launch
TKM9 and CCA created 50 Coca-Cola Coolers and went live with the project in Australia in early 2013. The ongoing project is designed to boost sales by engaging customers in Australia, while optimizing the design for deployment across multiple global markets.
The upgrade has been successful, Microsoft has reported in a case study, increasing brand loyalty and product sales by an average of 12 percent in the grocery channel when compared with traditional coolers. And by streaming a beverage discount offer in its content, one digital cooler in the off-premises channel even had a 120-percent increase in sales in a single month, according to the case study.
“We didn’t want just a locked down white box,” Stuart Port, CCA’s frozen beverages strategy manager, said in a statement. “We needed an interface that would tell us everything from the customers’ perspective, including their location and how they were interacting with the solution. It’s not just about delivering digital content, it’s about doing it in a targeted and relevant way.”
CCA also has the potential to use the data collected to refine product offers. “Through the geo-location software on mobile phones, im can track the route customers take to reach the cooler,” TKM9 CEO Mark Hodgens said in a statement. “Then it can use the information to create ‘heat maps’ that optimize cooler placement as well as the display of other store products.”
And all of that together is a recipe for increased engagement for the brand, according to CCA and TKM9.
“Interacting with the coolers using touch, gestures and their own mobile phones gives customers a unique experience that has been proven to increase sales and brand loyalty,” Hodgens said in the case study.
Which leads to CCA building sales along with customer relationships that extend past the point of the original purchase. “These interactive coolers ... are a great way to represent your brand right at the point of purchase,” Port said. “If it engages people enough that they reach in and buy that Coke, it helps increase sales. But at the same time, it’s terrific for us that we’ve had a positive experience with the consumer.”

World Chamionship football // Nederland - Chili 2-0

De pier in Scheveningen is oranje gepimpt. In totaal zijn 300 ramen van 1000 meter folie voorzien.

Alba Belettering pimpt Scheveningse Pier oranje.

Alba Belettering pimpt Scheveningse Pier oranje.
In opdracht van de firma AVEQ licht & geluid, en in samenwerking met de gemeente Den Haag, heeft Alba Belettering de pier in Scheveningen in oranje gezet.

AVEQ heeft een honderdtal ledlampen geïnstalleerd, zodat de pier van binnenuit oranje verlicht in de avonduren.

We want to win it all.
Leroy Fer, Netherlands midfielder

maandag 23 juni 2014

Living Wallpaper.

Living Wallpaper is 21st century interior design. Our wallpapers can be used for subtle changes in ambience but they can also be part of the decor. Your mood decides!

Content is easily programmable by use of innovative technology. And if you don’t feel like having video images added to your surroundings, you can simply switch it off.

More info;

TOTO Campagne.

Om de WK echt te beleven doen veel mensen mee aan een WK Poule. TOTO nodigt iedereen uit om mee te spelen met de TOTO WK Poule. De uitdaging is om beter te scoren dan al je vrienden en het is gratis. De TOTO campagne draait op grote schermen op de NS Stations en in stadscentra. De campagne is uitgevoerd in opdracht van Posterscope.


Sharp flaunts Free-Form displays for funky-shaped devices.


When Motorola unveiled its snappy Moto 360 smartwatch, the first thing we thought was "how do you make a round display?" Sharp has one answer with its new IGZO-based "Free-Form" LCD prototype that can be sculpted into any shape. The company's current IGZO tech only works with rectangular displays, where the circuits that drive the LCD live on the perimeter of the screen. Sharp managed to bake those chips into the display itself, allowing for not only a shrunken bezel but nearly any display format you might want. That'll let designers create much more compact car dashboards, new digital signage, unusually shaped monitors and yes, wearables like smartwatches. That likely won't include the Moto 360, though, since it's rumored to have an OLED display. Also, Sharp says that the Free-Form display is nearly ready for mass production, but isn't quite there yet.

zaterdag 21 juni 2014

About LifeSize Cloud.

Een nieuwe wijze van video vergaderen door middel van de LifeSize® Cloud. Deze Cloud omgeving stelt u in staat easy to use en compromisloos met elk device een videogesprek te starten. Voor wie geen grote investering wil doen of de IT resources wil omgooien is de LifeSize Cloud dé oplossing.
Belangrijke features van LifeSize Cloud zijn:
Verbinden met ieder apparaat:
- Werkt geïntegreerd samen met smartphones, laptops tablets, en LifeSize videosystemen.
   Downloaden van de app en verbinden met het netwerk is voldoende om alles in werking te stellen.
- LifeSize Cloud biedt een gast-login mogelijkheid waardoor verbinding gemaakt kan worden met
  een ongelimiteerd aantal contacten buiten de organisatie.

Een tool voor alle vormen van communicatie:
- Gedeelde interne contactlijst: de contactenlijst is automatisch beschikbaar op elk apparaat dat
   de medewerker wil gebruiken. Het betreft een selectie op basis van namen en geen complexe
   IP-adressen of nummers van virtuele meetingrooms.
- Beschikbaarheid van tal van features: click to call, checken van status, direct bellen of call
  inplannen, een-op-een- en groepsgesprekken (tot 25 personen), presentaties delen, chat en meer.

Eenvoudig beheer:
- Flexibel abonnementsplan voor alle groepsformaten en budgetten: nieuwe gebruikers zijn
   direct uit te nodigen via een web login.

Door de behoefte van werknemers om flexibel te kunnen werken worden oplossingen als de LifeSize® Cloud met open armen ontvangen. Zo kan men thuis, onderweg of op zijn flexplek in een handomdraai in een conference inbellen. LifeSize® Cloud biedt flexibiliteit en lage kosten voor een videoconference oplossing met de kwaliteit van een vaste videoverbinding. 


Bekijk dit filmpje en ontdek de voordelen van LifeSize® Cloud.

Sephora+ModiFace Launch The World's First 3D Augmented Reality Mirror in Milan.

Sephora, the leading beauty specialty retailer, and ModiFace, the leading global augmented reality virtual makeover technology provider, today announced the launch of a 3D Augmented Reality Mirror that can simulate cosmetics on a user's face in real-time and in 3D. The new patented technology, created by ModiFace, tracks the precise location of a user's facial features and applies eye shadow colors directly on the video feed from a camera. Sephora customers can:

  • Try any number of cosmetic colors - instantaneously and virtually - simply by tapping a shade palette on the Beauty Mirror screen

  • Preview unique textures of eye shadow including glittery, sparkly, and shiny shadow textures

  • View all eye shadows from different angles as they turn their face from side to side, enabling customers to virtually try out products quickly in a store and to make better informed purchasing decisions
Originally launched in March 2014, the Sephora 3D Augmented Reality mirror is the world's first photo-realistic 3D mirror, and is the result of over 3 years of research and development.

“We believe ModiFace's 3D Augmented Reality Mirror will be a breakthrough technology for our customers as they virtually try out different eye shadow shades quickly and easily,” said Antonio Ferreira de Almeida, General manager, Sephora Italy.


OK Go’s nieuwste videoclip zit bomvol gave optische illusies.


We zijn hier niet per se de grootste fans van de muziek van de Amerikaanse band OK Go, maar de manier waarop hun hits worden ondersteund met geweldige videoclips is slechts te prijzen. Na deze gave Rube Goldberg machine en de musicerende auto creëerde men voor het nummer The Writing’s on the Wall een vier minuten durende aaneenschakeling van optische illusies. Absoluut de moeite van het bekijken waard.

donderdag 19 juni 2014

Portable Ultra Short Throw Projection LED technology.

Portable Ultra Short Throw Projection LED technology combined with quality sound and film are some of the features of the two new projectors Philips Screeneo Sagemcom incorporates smart Led to its range.
Philips Screeneo HDP 1550 TV

Portable projectors Screeneo HDP HDP 1550 and 1550 are the two new TV equipment Philips that have been incorporated into the proposal from the smart range of Led Sagemcom, With which you can convert any wall into a large projection screen smart media files, web content and TV channels.
These teams ultra short throw projection, which incorporate LED technology and sound quality movie, can project clear images from 50 to 100 inches, although it is located near the wall (10 to 44 centimeters).
Discrete and elegant design to suit all interior spaces Screeneo HDP HDP 1550 and 1550TV up two speakers and a subwoofer to create a theater environment (Dolby Digital 2.1, 26 watts), and offer the possibility of transmitting any list playback through a direct connection or via SD or USB memory, without having projected image. The model HDP 1550 also allows you to view TV channels free TV through its integrated DVB-T tuner.

Philips Screeneo HDP 1550 TV

woensdag 18 juni 2014

This augmented reality motorcycle helmet could save your life.


"I was in early morning traffic when an inattentive driver hit me from behind and I was thrown from my motorcycle." Ryan Shearman, founder and CEO of FUSAR Technologies, tells me at Augmented World Expo 2014. It's the kind of thing that could happen to any motorcyclist -- and indeed, happens too often -- but it also served as a spark of inspiration. "It started the wheels turning in my head: how can I make motorcycle riding safer?" His answer was to build a better helmet.
Shearman calls his smart helmet the Guardian; it's a DOT approved brain bucket with an Android board, two wide-angle cameras and bits and pieces from an Epson Moverio. "What it is, is a fully integrated and connected device that motorcyclists can wear that allows them to have a full cognitive awareness of what's going on around them." The Epson optics provide the rider with a detailed heads-up display, filling their view with data from the rear view camera, their current speed and navigation information.
"It also has video recording capabilities," he told me. "Everything is recorded passively, but in the event that an accident is detected, that footage is locked into hard memory. It effectively has a black box feature built in." It sounds like a great feature, but Shearman obviously wants it to be used as infrequently as possible. The helmet's software package is being designed to monitor the cameras for potential hazards -- if all goes well, the final product will be able to alert the driver of a dangerous situation before it becomes an accident. He also plans to add voice control to future prototypes.

The models Shearman brought to AWE were pretty beat up, but with good reason: the entrepreneur has been riding up and down California's Pacific Coast Highway all week, shooting footage for his company's upcoming Kickstarter video. The company plans to launch its crowdfunding imitative by mid July, and wants to have the Guardian on the market in about a year. Hungry for a safer helmet?


dinsdag 17 juni 2014

The Los Angeles International Airport.

The Los Angeles International Airport is one of the world’s busiest, handling more than 60 million passengers each year. Like other global hubs, LAX is facing new challenges as traffic increases, like tighter security, longer lineups and delays. The passenger experience is becoming more stressful, and air travel is losing its excitement and adventure.
Fentress Architects set out to change that when they designed the airport’s new Tom Bradley International Terminal, which opened to the public in September 2013. A key element in their plan: the largest immersive multimedia installation at any airport in the Americas. Moment Factory was commissioned to help create a better passenger experience at LAX. Our challenge: Bring back the romance of travel. Help people see their journey with fresh eyes.
As Executive Content Producer, working closely with Mike Rubin (MRA International) and Marcela Sardi (Sardi Design), and supported by Digital Kitchen, we planned, designed, produced and implemented a digital storytelling strategy that brings seven giant media features to life and helps brand the terminal as a destination.

maandag 16 juni 2014

How cleanable are Barco's Eonis medical displays?

Designed to allow complete disinfection, Barco's Eonis medical displays can withstand almost everything: from paper tissue terror to gallons of water. Find out just how cleanable Barco's Eonis medical displays
really are in our three-episode video series.

For white papers, product info & more videos: or

zaterdag 14 juni 2014

Oakley Store, NYC - Demo.

Oakley mandated Moment Factory to create a permanent installation for their new flagship store on 5th Avenue in New York City. In response to the new “Disruptive by Design” brand direction, the multimedia studio created a living, breathing installation, embodying the renegade spirit of Oakley’s design ethos.

The concept had to successfully fit within the existing architectural design, while also expressing the brand’s strong connection to technological innovation. Retail operations were also a key consideration in the design process: with a ceiling mounted installation, all valuable wall and floor space is available for sales and merchandising. The structure’s 27 LCD screens feature footage of Oakley’s performance athletes merged with a customized visual language that the studio developed for the project. This expansive structure shows Moment Factory’s commitment to creating immersive environments and digital platforms that engage customers.



donderdag 12 juni 2014

RENUAR center - Tel Aviv.

the new RENUAR store at the Dizingof Center mall of Tel Aviv.
Content made by Locomotion.


woensdag 11 juni 2014

the Pepsi interactive vending machine.

Pepsi® invites fans around the world to show off their football skills with the Pepsi interactive vending machine. Fans are challenged by the 2014 Pepsi all-star #FutbolNow squad -- Robin van Persie, David Luiz, Sergio Ramos, Sergio Agüero, Jack Wilshere and four-time player of the year, Leo Messi -- to move like the pros and show off their soccer style to be rewarded with a free Pepsi.

dinsdag 10 juni 2014

Rite Aid Media Wall


BEVERLY HILLS, CA – Providing large scale video content for digital signage is what we do best; especially when we have the best talents for the job at our disposal. Digital signage expert and Art Director, Chad Wixom, lent us his expertise and availability to execute a full 8 minute 7680x1080 video wall content playlist for one of the largest personal use consumer retail clients in the world.
From early January to early April we worked diligently to capture content that was relative to the branding for Rite-Aid’s beauty section. We concepted several rounds and ideas that told a nice story of integrating lifestyle with beauty and spa shots in relation to the retailers “category rings” which headlined as; ‘Beauty, Wellness, Wine & Spirits, Food, Home Care and Fitness’. After early rounds of shooting, we were asked to abandon the direction and focus on ambient beauty and serene environments.
We flew to directors of photography, (names insert) up from LA, and hired local Chad Wixom to design, art direct and produce the motion design and sound editing and manage the delivery pipeline.
From sandy beaches, surfers, flowers to the backwoods hiking in the NW, we packed large amounts of gear and captured some amazing 8k shots by combining two RED Epic cameras with two dragon chips side by side on a custom made slider mount to sync the shots and stitch them together.
The content was synced together by 16 LED panels that comprised of 4 screens with 4 displays in each 1920x1080 array. Several CEDNA players drove the backend to produce the more than 8 minutes of stunning colorful content combined with custom audio solutions.
It would seem shooting nature and simplicity would be a drop in the bucket, but we were met with some challenges throughout the assignment that you can only learn by doing. This experience has awarded us as true experts in a growing field. We look forward to exploring more retail client projects of this magnitude in the years to come.
Chad Wixom - Art Director, Motion / Audio Designer
Marvin Sanders - Technical Direction
Greg McDonald - Director of Photography
Ryhan Resleff - 3D Animation


maandag 9 juni 2014

Media Taxi in UK London.

Taxis Image

Watch the BrightMove take to the streets of London. Catch the reactions from the public as they share their opinions on TaxiCast - BrightMove Media's innovative real time, geo targeted taxi advertising service.

Fore more information, visit

zaterdag 7 juni 2014

Airport Kiosk - a prototype.

A prototype interface demonstrating a better way to navigate airports.

vrijdag 6 juni 2014

donderdag 5 juni 2014

Nokia Lumia 2520 tablet nu beschikbaar.

De Nokia Lumia 2520 is vanaf nu in Nederland verkrijgbaar. Deze prachtige design tablet is beschikbaar in zwart met een matte afwerking.
De Nokia Lumia 2520 is zo ontworpen dat hij overal te gebruiken is; zelfs bij fel daglicht blijft het beeld buiten scherp. De tablet beschikt over een helder 10.1-inch Full HD-scherm, een krachtige Quad-core processor, 4G internet en wifi . Daarnaast beschikt de Lumia 2520 over een camera met 6,7 megapixel en – uniek voor een tablet – een Zeiss-lens, waarmee ook bij minder licht goede foto’s te maken zijn. De Lumia 2520 draait op Windows RT 8.1.

Door de vertrouwde Windows-omgeving vindt iedereen snel zijn weg op deze tablet. Microsoft Office en Outlook zijn al geïnstalleerd. Ook bijzonder is dat de tablet binnen een uur weer voor 80% is opgeladen. En dat is niet alles: met de geïntegreerde HERE Maps is de Lumia 2520 de enige tablet met echte offline kaarten voor een snelle en betrouwbare navigatie.

De winkeladviesprijs van de Nokia Lumia 2520 is 499 euro. De Lumia 2520 is exclusief leverbaar in de 58 winkels van BCC, of op Daarnaast is er een Nokia power-toetsenbord beschikbaar, die niet alleen extra bescherming, maar ook extra levensduur van 5 uur biedt door de geïntegreerde accu. Dit toetsenbord is tevens voorzien van 2 USB poorten en een touchpad, waardoor erop werken voelt als een echte laptop. Het losse toetsenbord kost 149 euro.

dinsdag 3 juni 2014

View of Earth right now.

International Space Station live streaming

It's possible to see the International Space Station floating overhead if you have the right equipment and good timing, but have you ever wondered what it sees at any given moment? As of now, you won't have to. NASA has switched on the High Definition Earth Viewing (HDEV) experiment, an internet stream that shows the station's view of our planet in real time; you can check it out below. Developed and run in part by high school students, it includes both multiple 720p camera feeds and the ISS crew's radio chatter.
The footage isn't always riveting -- HDEV will occasionally lose contact, and there isn't much to see when the station is on the dark side of the world. Even so, it should still serve a noble purpose. It's testing both the quality of Earth-facing cameras as well as their ability to survive high doses of radiation while in orbit. Once the experiment goes offline in October 2015, NASA will use the results to decide what cameras it uses on future missions. Don't be surprised if awe-inspiring views become a staple of spaceflight in the near future.

maandag 2 juni 2014

Live VJ Footage | DJ AFFKT | Koningsdag | Paardenmarkt, Alkmaar / The Netherlands

Live VJ Footage

Club LIGHT, Las Vegas - First anniversary.

To celebrate the first anniversary of club LIGHT in Las Vegas, here's a little sampling of the video content created by Moment Factory over the last few months. In collaboration with Cirque du Soleil and Light Group, our team of multimedia artists produced a huge range of visual atmospheres (including some interactive ones) for world renowned DJs like DJ Skrillex, Axwell, Nicky Romero, Ingrosso, Alesso and Krewella.
It took over 20 video shoots in a variety of cities to realize these visual compositions. Dancers and circus artists were a crucial element in the integration of the live performance and the digital visuals.

zondag 1 juni 2014

A Super Smart Concept for Dumbed-Down Digital Signage.

Signage is the unsung informational scaffolding of the built environment. It’s not especially glamorous, but it does the crucial work of telling us what we’re looking at. Lately, however, we’ve begun to see a new breed of signs that aren’t really signs at all. In schools, office buildings, hospitals and the like, flat screen TVs have become a common fixture.
Instead of using paint and print, we’ve started using pixels to convey different information at different points during the day. It’s not an especially efficient way to do things, in terms of power consumption, but finding an alternative is tricky. How do you build a sign that can change moment to moment without resorting to an electricity-sucking display?
Pixel Track, a new project from the influential London studio Berg, is one possible solution to that problem. It’s basically the least-digital digital signage imaginable. Like its understated internet-connected washing machine, Berg’s signage shows the wisdom in approaching “smart” objects with a bit of restraint. As screens proliferate in spaces public and private, Pixel Track’s a compelling argument that the smarter solution might actually involve dumbing things down.
Berg’s sign combines internet-connected smarts with a display made up of mechanical pixels, each with two sides. When a new message is sent to the display, a computerized track sweeps along the backside and flips the pixels into the proper configuration, like a robotic Vanna White (back when Wheel used mechanical pixels instead of touchscreens, that is).

The advantage to the design is that once the pixels are flipped, the sign doesn’t require any power to display its message. “There’s no Windows PC driving it locally and no local server required, just a meager power supply to drive it,” Jack Shulze, Berg’s co-founder, writes about the project. “The smarts are on the network, where they should be.” In certain situations, it could even run off of a battery.
Aesthetically, Berg’s prototypes don’t look much different than the unsightly LED signs you see above theater doors in multiplex cinemas. But the mechanical system is much more flexible than its digital counterparts in terms of its size, shape, and how it can be adapted to its environment. Plus, its cloud-based operation means it can easily interface with apps and other data streams.
Changeable signage is a fairly banal problem, and you might wonder why a world-class design studio would tackle it at all. But Pixel Track is another elegant expression of a future Berg’s long been exploring–one where we don’t default to the most high-tech solution just because it’s available.