maandag 31 maart 2014

How Samsung Display sees the mobile applications future.

Samsung Display showcase future products with transparent, flexible, foldable OLED DIsplays. Everything about AMOLED.

zaterdag 29 maart 2014

The Home Depot Appliance Finder.

The Digital Screenmedia Association recently lauded the best digital signage, mobile and self-service kiosk technology deployments across all vertical market segments with the announcement of its annual DSA Industry Excellence Awards.

Best Retail Digital Self-Service/Interactive Kiosk
Project: The Home Depot Appliance Finder
Client: Home Depot
Submitted by: Image Manufacturing Group

Best Travel/Hospitality Digital Signage
Project: Interactive wayfinding: Navigating a path to success at Dubai Airports
Client: Dubai Airports
Submitted by: NCR Corp.

vrijdag 28 maart 2014

Meet Your New Roommate, Hypersign Room.

Hypersign Room Sign Sample

Hypersign, Avionexx LLC's award winning software, releases its new drop-zone application Hypersign Room. 

Hypersign, the revolutionary digital signage software, is releasing the latest of its many outstanding drop-zone applications. Introducing Hypersign Room, a room sign application designed specifically for Samsung's Galaxy Pro.

With Hypersign Room, educators can sync calendar events using Google Calendar with scheduled support for Microsoft Exchange, iCal, and others! A room sign also operates as a fully featured Hypersign including Hypersign Alert, enabling it to assist in the event of an emergency. With being a 100% cloud solution, its total price point averages less than half of large competitors.

Neil Willis, CEO of Hypersign, says, "We are so excited to extend our digital signage modality to room signs. It places Hypersign into a group of elite companies that offer a scheduling solution for Universities, Hospitals and Business without the expensive cost. Our partnership with Samsung has grown more valuable by extending beyond the LFDs to using their mobile platform in a powerful and inventive way."

Hypersign Software is an award winning software product development company focusing on building products that improves the lives of people. The Hypersign product is known for its incredibly intuitive interface making it the perfect digital signage solution for education (K12 and higher Ed) and healthcare.

donderdag 27 maart 2014

Brainmarker / Eindhoven / The Netherlands.

Brainmarker: beyond big and bright.
Meer dan 2000 LED nodes voor brand builder

Bij Hotel van der Valk langs de A2/N2 is op vrijdag 21 maart 2014 officieel de Brainmarker in gebruik genomen. De 42 meter hoge, met LED verlichte Brainmarker is een ontwerp van Daan Spangenberg en Idje van den Boom, voormalige studenten van de Design Academy Eindhoven. In opdracht van Q-lite en Brainmarker projects B.V., installeerde en programmeerde Livingprojects de dynamische LED verlichting.De Brainmarker bestaat uit state of the art LED-technologie van Philips Lighting, specifiek ontwikkeld voor optimale zichtbaarheid op grote LED-beeldschermen bij daglicht. Brainport Avenue, het gebied rondom de A2 in de regio Eindhoven, is een van de belangrijkste internationale toplocaties voor de hightech kennis- en maakindustrie in Nederland. En aan de zuidkant van deze toplocatie, op het grootste knooppunt van vier drukke doorgaande Europese snelwegen, is de Brainmarker gerealiseerd. Maandelijks passeren meer dan 4,2 miljoen personen.

Intro animation for GINDIs new mall in TEL AVIV.

Awesome intro animation made in our studio for GINDIs new mall in TEL AVIV. me & the locomotion crew (RON, ITAMAR, ITAY, KATHY, & AMIT FISHER) i had so much fun with this. Especially the dub step beginning. ENJOY!

Link -->

dinsdag 25 maart 2014

The Making of Unnumbered Sparks.

An aerial sculpture that allows visitors to choreograph lighting effects in real time via their mobile devices has been launched in Vancouver, Canada. Named Skies Painted with Unnumbered Sparks, the attraction was launched to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the TED Conference and saw a 23,000 ft sq net sculpture hung between the 24-story Fairmont Waterfront and the Vancouver Convention Center. 

The project is a collaboration of artists Janet Echelman of Studio Echelman, and Aaron Koblin, creative director of Google's Data Arts Team.
The programming language Go was used to manage the client connections to the sculpture and run the web server that outputs the visuals to five projectors. What is projected on to the pre-stressed net, which is made of synthetic fibre 15-times stronger than steel, is a full-screen Google Chrome window of more than 10 million pixels in size.
At night, the attraction comes alive with illumination. Visitors with smartphones and tablets have been painting beams of light across the sculpture with small movements on their phones becoming hundred foot longtrails evolving and combining with the inputs of fellow participants.
"It’s really exciting for me as an artist to see the work grow and unfold in ways beyond what I could imagine," said Echelman. "I look forward to finding out what people feel and think, and how it affects them."
With the TED conference now finished for this year, it is thought the installation will now be used in other cities around the world.

Contact Details and Archive...     Studio Echelman

maandag 24 maart 2014

Augmented Reality technology stuns shoppers.

How would you react if you thought you saw a Bengal tiger running towards you? New Augmented Reality technology certainly gives these shoppers a shock 

Pedestrians at a bus shelter are confronted with a Bengal tiger running loose through Oxford Street, giant robots attacking passers-by, and a meteorite exploding into the pavement.
Some shoppers jump and scream, others start giggling in confusion at what is supposedly happening in front of them.
But the unbelievable scenario was in fact created by Augmented Reality (AR) technology at bus stop advertising boards in central London. The AR gave the illusion of a see through display, but with unbelievable and unexpected scenes 'mapped' over the live feed.
The stunt appeared to fool some passers-by, but others simply enjoyed interacting with the technology to create scenarios of their own.
Pepsi Max brings you the Unbelievable.
Unbelievable feats and experiences created for you by Pepsi Max

Pepsi Max surprise commuters with an 'unbelievable' augmented reality experience at a bus shelter on New Oxford Street in London.

Watch their reactions as unbelievable scenarios unfold before their very eyes; from a giant robot crashing through the street to a passer by being abducted by flying saucers.

Focus Touch P10

De Focus Touch P10 is een multifunctionele grootformaat touch display voor de moderne onderneming, de eigentijdse onderwijsinstelling, de retail, de zorg en ideaal in te zetten in openbare ruimten.

MagBak: iPad aan de muur hangen met compacte magneethouder.

We hebben over de jaren meerdere systemen gezien waarmee je een iPad aan de muur kunt hangen, maar het overgrote merendeel hiervan was groot, log en vaak ook onhandig. De MagBak wil een compacter alternatief bieden op een vrij simpele wijze: je hoeft voor het gebruik van deze houder alleen maar twee magneten op je iPad te plakken. Hiermee kun je hem vervolgens hangen aan de bijbehorende metalen strips die je op een muur bevestigt.

De MagBak kan volgens de bedenkers niet je iPad beschadigen. Logisch, aangezien de iPad al langer ingebouwde magneten heeft voor de Smart Cover-bevestigingspunten. Het is alleen nog onduidelijk wat voor effect de MagBak kan hebben op bijvoorbeeld een laptop die met de iPad in je tas zit. De Smart Cover-magneten hebben bij ons nog nooit voor problemen gezorgd, maar MagBak is gemaakt om je gehele iPad vast te houden. Het lijkt daarom aannemlijk dat de magneten een stuk krachtiger zijn.
De MagBak kan op Kickstarter worden besteld voor 34 dollar plus 15 dollar verzendkosten – een aardig bedrag voor twee magneten en wat metalen strips. Het betreft op Kickstarter de MagBak voor de iPad Air en iPad mini. Het systeem wordt ook verkocht voor eerdere iPads in een aparte webshop, voor 39 dollar. Ook daarbij betaal je 15 dollar aan verzendkosten.

zondag 23 maart 2014

Projectie op het basketbalveld.

Die Amerikanen houden wel van een showtje bij hun sportevenementen. Ze hebben zelfs de lieftallige cheerleaders afgebeld en vervangen voor deze bijzonder fraaie projectie, wat we overigens ook graag terugzien op het voetbalveld. Het zou de wedstrijden van het aankomende Wereldkampioenschap voetbal in Brazilië ontzettend sieren.

vrijdag 21 maart 2014

Odyssee Projectie Ontwerp.

Samen met Jonathan Roorda hebben we de projecties van de dansvoorstelling "Odyssee" in de Fokker Terminal Den Haag ontworpen en geanimeerd.


woensdag 19 maart 2014

DNP Screens.

Public Viewing in combinatie met 100 inch beeldschermen van dnp denmark is dè oplossing voor publieke ruimtes. Het tonen van liveTV uitzendingen in een publieke omgeving is natuurlijk niet nieuw, maar met een dnp STS scherm wordt het net ietsje anders. Op een 100 inch scherm (215 x 134 cm) beleef je een evenement nou eenmaal vele malen meer intens. Projectie TV maar dan in HD kwaliteit en dan ook nog daglicht bestendig! Het is niet een normaal wit projectiescherm dat wij gewend zijn, want in een omgeving met veel daglicht is het contrast 7 keer groter dan bij een standaard wit projectiescherm en wordt de helderheid ongeveer verdubbeld. 100 inch is heel groot en dat megagrote beeld en versterkt de beleving en betrokkenheid van bezoekers aanzienlijk. Hierdoor verlengt de bezoekduur van consumenten en hebben klanten een reden om steeds weer terug te komen. dnp schermen zijn bovendien blikvangers die niemand zal ontgaan. De consument heeft het gevoel waar voor zijn geld te krijgen, wat leidt tot aanloop van steeds weer nieuwe klanten. Al met al een garantie voor meer horeca omzet. Voor de locatie eigenaar is het Public Viewing concept met dnp schermen uiterst betaalbaar en het kostenbesparende alternatief voor flat screens met een grootte van 80 – 100 inch. Tenslotte brengt het extra geld in het laatje. Een substantiële extra inkomstenbron is aan te boren door Live uitzendingen op een 100 inch scherm te verrijken met split screen advertising. De beeldgrootte van de TV uitzending wordt met ca. 20 procent teruggebracht waardoor ruimte vrijkomt voor het tonen van advertenties of actuele informatie. Op een standaard LCD scherm tot 70 of 80 inch is een advertentie uiting niet echt zichtbaar maar op een 100 inch scherm komt de adverteerder echt tot zijn recht, zonder dat daarbij de kijkers geïrriteerd worden. De meerwaarde voor de adverteerder of sponsor is duidelijk , want zelfs de lokale bakker, slager of supermarkt kan voor een beperkt bedrag tijdens een (inter)nationale voetbalkraker zijn advertenties op een effectieve wijze aan een groot publiek tonen. De koppeling met een digital signage player, maakt het mogelijk, om gelijktijdig met een lineaire TV uitzending vanuit het narrowcasting Content Management System (CMS), advertenties, in welke vorm dan ook, op het grote scherm uit te spelen. Hierdoor ontstaat voor de locatie-eigenaar een additioneel nieuw verdienmodel, dat al dan niet in samenwerking met professionele digital out-of-home (DOOH) geëxploiteerd kan worden. Voor sportverenigingen betekent dit extra sponsor inkomsten. Het dnp Supernova STS Scherm (92 or 100”) is krachtig en ultra compact en daarmee perfect geschikt voor publieke locaties waar iedere centimeter telt en de dnp visual experience optimaal tot zijn recht komt. Het scherm is geoptimaliseerd voor gebruik in combinatie met een Ultra-Short-Throw-Projector, die slechts luttele centimeters boven of onder het scherm wordt geplaatst. Aanzienlijk goedkoper dan een traditioneel flat panel scherm van soortgelijke afmeting. Het contrast niveau is vergelijkbaar, maar verkrijgbaar voor een veel aantrekkelijker prijs.

“dnp Visual Experience tailored for the human eye”

The Perfection of Square Video Tiles.

There is more to the Mosaic AD22-Salvador tile than meets the eye. While it is an LCD display, its 1:1 aspect ratio sets it apart from its big brothers. It integrates with other wall claddings beautifully, allows for tight-radius concave video walls, and fits places other displays won’t fit. People love it; it’s that simple. After all, it’s hip to be square.
Square tiles can be installed above doors, up columns, in long rows or around corners. They can be embedded with other types of tiles, or even in the floor or ceiling with proper reinforcement. They add character to an architectural display, and virtually every Mosaic installation to date includes squares.
All that goodness aside, the AD22 contains some unique pixel magic. Its 960 pixels across a 387.4 mm active screen width delivers an ultra-small pixel pitch of just 0.40 mm. This makes it especially attractive for use cases with dense video data like scientific research. It also looks good from close viewing with more scaling than other displays.

Salvador Screen ShotThere is even some interesting math in the Salvador tile. When you double the 960x960 resolution, you get a width of 1920 pixels which works nicely when displaying 1920x1080 content. Create a 3x3 grid of AD22 tiles and you have a total pixel count of 8,294,400. This happens to be the exact pixel count of 3840x2160 (4K). In Mosaic land, this means you can program your 3x3 AD22 grid with a custom EDID of 2880x2880 and capitalize on the maximum bandwidth of Mosaic while displaying at native resolution.

An example is posted on the Mosaic Design Library.

Audi: Oh Deer !!

Detect in time what might later become hazardous. With Audi pre-sense plus. thjnk AG, Hamburg tricked the eye by overlaying two headlines: From far you could only focus the blurred headline. From only the “hazard” hidden inside.

dinsdag 18 maart 2014

Google Q&A: How The Tech Giant Plugs Into Digital Signage.

A quick chat with Vidya Nagarajan of Google in the Intel booth at DSE. She was there answering questions about the Chrome platform and the potential use cases for digital signage. I followed up with a series of questions, via Google’s communications folks, and Vidya kindly got back to me with answers

Here's what the Product Manager in the Chrome for Business group has to say about the much-discussed entry of Google into the digital signage space.


See here the ful story.

maandag 17 maart 2014

Pi In The Sky On Pi Day.

Every March 14th (3/14) is a day of much reverence for math geeks worldwide. Better known as Pi Day, given its connection to perhaps the most well-known mathematical constant that begins with 3.14 and goes on with an infinite march of decimals. To commemorate the day this week in Austin during the annual South By Southwest festivals, one company literally put Pi in the sky. and its fleet of planes took to the skies around dusk in Austin on Pi Day Eve, writing out the infinite number across as much as 100 miles of sky. Here’s how the company says they did it:
The conceptual work will consist of five synchronized aircraft equipped with dot-matrix technology flying at 10,000 feet altitude while skywriting the first several hundred characters of pi’s infinite sequence. This spectacular performance will be displayed by AirSign Aerial Advertising. AirSign’s skywriting team will create a spiral several miles wide, as the aircraft emit numbers that measure a quarter-mile in height centered on the Austin Convention Center and viewable from the entire city and its surrounding areas.

The number was written out to several hundred decimals, snaking and looping its way around the skies above Texas’ capitol city.

I have to wonder what will be done to top this next year, which will be the biggest Pi Day ever, on 3/14/15, since Pi when calculated to a few more decimal places is 3.1415.

Manchester United: Presents Front Row.

Adam&Eve DDB have developed an idea for Google and Man U that will give loyal United fans around the world the opportunity to cheer on their team live, appearing via a Google+ Hangout on Old Trafford’s pioneering digital hoardings during United vs Liverpool on 16th March.

vrijdag 14 maart 2014

Mediapro Exhibitions created a great show for audiovisual presentation LFP World Challenge / Spain.

For the presentation of the LFP World Challenge project, Mediapro Exhibitions launched a great interactive audiovisual installation comprises a videowall 4 x 1 Samsung seven totems, making up a total of 70 vertical screens, and a show performed with projection equipment Panasonic.
Mediapro Exhibitions Spain-Experience
On the occasion of the presentation of the project LFP World Challenge, held on March 6 at the Mansion of the Dukes of Pastrana in Madrid, Spain Experience organized a demonstration of what will be a great display to accompany the Football League Professional (LFP). This is an interactive exhibition that Mediapro Exhibitions has made a full deployment of audiovisual techniques for this occasion.
Mediapro Exhibitions created an assembly composed of an interactive video wall, seven digital totems and two large screens on which video they made reference to the event taking place were shown, the LFP World Challenge.
The videowall formed exhibited a 4 x 1 and consisted LED touch screen Samsung UE55 55 inches, providing a resolution of 1920 × 1080 each, achieving a final resolution of 7680 × 1080 pixels, 700 cd/m2 brightness and 5000:1 contrast. This videowall information with data from the participating companies, athletes and projects related to the LFP World Challenge offered.

Mediapro Exhibitions Spain-Experience
Despite the spectacular videowall and attendees could personalize the content they wanted to see it, the central area was the most striking Experience of Spain, as there Mediapro Exhibitions installed seven digital totems, each composed of five Double-sided vertical screens.

More information here.

This initiative of the Professional Football League has the support of the Ministry of Trade (ICEX), the Forum of the Leading Brands and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Its focus is to internationalize and to value the Spanish football, with the collaboration of the leading companies.

donderdag 13 maart 2014

Ziggo Home: An iconic and powerful tool.

Ziggo asked DAY to develop a way to counter competition campaigning to win over Ziggo clients.
In order to increase awareness DAY came up with a travelling house: Ziggo Home. A mobile pop up place to inform and inspire new and existing clients throughout the country. The exterior of the Ziggo Home is a high res interactive LED facade that communicates Ziggo products, benefits and content. Ziggo Home travels the Netherlands from Jan 2014, visiting a different community every week.
It can be used for any type of event, from sales events to festivals.
DAY developed the concept; designed the Ziggo Home; art directed the digital content and is working on the ongoing activations.

Jacksonville Jaguars get the world's biggest LED-lit HD displays.

The Jacksonville Jaguars don't exactly generate much excitement on EverBank Field. However, they'll soon have something attention-worthy above that field: a pair of the world's largest LED-lit, HD-capable displays. Daktronics is installing end zone screens at the stadium that each measure 362 ft. wide by 60 ft. high, handily eclipsing the 200 ft. by 80 ft. panel at Charlotte Motor Speedway. All that visual real estate will serve up to three HD replay videos at once, even as it shows the (likely dismal) score. The setup is overkill for a football team whose chances of a Super Bowl are currently very slim.

woensdag 12 maart 2014

eerste Dual Screen Solution met Fingertouch

BenQ luidt een nieuwe generatie projectoren voor het onderwijs in. BenQ laat op de CeBIT 2014 met de modellen MW853UST en MX852UST twee ultra-korteafstandsprojectoren zien die naast voor de gebruikelijke, afzonderlijke installatie ook perfect gebruikt kunnen worden voor Dual Screen-projectie.
Een innovatie van wereldklasse is dat leerlingen en leraren hun applicaties nu via Fingertouch kunnen aansturen. Dit wordt mogelijk gemaakt met behulp van de geïntegreerde BenQ PointWrite U-technologie. De onderwijsprojectoren, inclusief wandbeugel, zijn met ingang van nu in de winkel verkrijgbaar voor een prijs van € 1.999,= voor de MW853UST en € 1.899,= voor de MX852UST (beide inclusief BTW).

Teamplayer: reusachtige projectie met Fingertouch
Beide projectoren zijn uitgerust met ultra-korteafstandstechnologie. De projectieverhouding bedraagt voor de MW853UST slechts 0,35 en hij projecteert een 80 inch groot, scherp gedefinieerd beeld op slechts 0,28 meter afstand. De nieuwe modellen zijn geschikt voor perfect samenspel tussen twee projectoren in de klasruimte. Dual Screen-projectie heeft als voordeel dat twee afzonderlijke projecties naadloos gecombineerd kunnen worden tot een groot projectiebeeld, dat dicht in de buurt komt van de afmeting van een schoolbord. Een andere mogelijkheid is de projectie te splitsen, zodat bijvoorbeeld aan de ene kant van de projectie video's vertoond kunnen worden terwijl op de andere kant tekst wordt geschreven. De nieuwe BenQ PointWrite U-technologie biedt content de revolutionaire Fingertouch-optie. Naast de klassieke variant met de pen kan de te projecteren content nu naar wens met de vinger verschoven, verkleind of bewerkt worden. Dat garandeert bij het onderwijs maximale flexibiliteit en interactiviteit, waarbij tot 4 personen tegelijkertijd bezig kunnen zijn. Met behulp van de toolbar kan gekozen worden tussen talrijke kleuren, vormen en hulpmiddelen om te schrijven, zoals stift of krijt. Bijzonder daarnaast is dat de achtergrond van de projectie ingekleurd kan worden met schoolbordgroen. Dat maakt de projectie voor de leerling prettiger om te lezen. De optioneel verkrijgbare kit met BenQ PointWrite en Fingertouch ligt in de winkel voor € 599,=.

dinsdag 11 maart 2014

Woman's Hair Interacts with Subway Trains in Sweden.

A clever outdoor ad from Sweden uses a bit of technology to transcend the limits of traditional advertising.

Apotek, a pharmacy brand, outfitted subway platform ads in Stockholm with ultra-sonic sensors that discerned when a train was coming.

maandag 10 maart 2014

Living Ledscreens

Embraceled can turn a crowd into a LED screen as dynamic as they are. It assigns visitors pixels and remembers its location no matter how massive the crowd.

-  Led's connect Whenever similar interests are nearby, the Embraceled will light up in the corresponding colour. Simply hold the bracelets together and contact details are shared.
-  Led's inform Uncertainty about the program, the location of the upcoming activity or when it's time for lunch? Embraceled can spread a light and inform wearers about the next step to take at your event.
-  Led's vote With the push of the button, Embraceleds can be used as a voting system. By setting the
colour that corresponds with the chosen answer, everyone is able to submit their vote in a flash.
-  Led's play With simple interactive games, Embraceleds take part in the fun and push for social interaction.



creenfeed has long been known for curating and very nicely presenting news, data, images and video in automated feeds for digital signage networks, but it added an interesting new wrinkle the other night when it live-streamed video from the Academy Awards red carpet last Sunday.
The live stream took over large digital screens placed in several U.S. malls for the two-hour event.  I
“The canvas is amazing. These screens are 13’ high and 18’ tall, hung from the ceiling in areas that are viewed by millions of viewers over the course of the year,” says Jeremy Gavin, CEO of Screenfeed.  “I was on hand at two of the malls showing the stream and it was exciting to hear people talking about the screens and actually stop what they were doing for a while to watch.”
The Daktronics LED screens are used by the mall operators to deliver their own messages and partner advertising, as well as entertain guests with daily feeds from Screenfeed.
The red carpet of the Oscars is more about who is wearing what and how than the actual awards given out later in the evening and Gavin indicates this is just what the malls were looking for.  “Being fashion-focused is very important to malls as much of their retail-base relates to fashion and style. So showing the red carpet at a glamorous event such as this met this objective.”
Video Here

vrijdag 7 maart 2014

Pizza Hut interactive concept table.

Pizza Hut partnered with Chaotic Moon Studios to create an interactive concept table that lets customers visualize their pizza orders and customize them on the spot.
The concept is basically an interactive surface that lets diners build their orders from scratch. Diners can select their pizza size, sauce and cheese, and toppings. They can also add in side orders like spicy chicken wings or Hershey’s chocolate dunkers. After selecting a mode of payment, customers can even choose to play games while waiting.
The company sees the interactive concept table as something that could be “the future of the Pizza Hut dine-in ordering experience.”

donderdag 6 maart 2014

BP Netherlands rollout.


Amscreen CEO Simon Sugar told us that they started their
BP Netherlands rollout this week…

BP Netherlands Lareg Screen

Note the new large screen out the front of the convenience store.

woensdag 5 maart 2014

dinsdag 4 maart 2014

HP Kiosk.

HP Kiosk / NRF 2014 Demo

Augmented reality wall.

This is a wall painting on Leisure Management department floor in Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam (the Netherlands ) that I've painted in collaboration with Luc Parhan and Nikita Binda. After we realized that our painting is going to be a machine, we thought that it would be awesome to make it move. That is how the idea of adding augmented reality appeared.

More info from Alisa Rysaeva, here.

maandag 3 maart 2014

Ring screen.

Ring Screen is a video projection screen design. With the ability to display 360° video. Ring Screen becomes the center of attention at any event, allowing your attendees to see your brand or campaign from anywhere in the room. This ‘center of venue screen’ can be displayed in a number of different formats based on the needs of your event. The screen imagery can be arranged as one single 360° image, 180° degree images, or up to six separate images rotating around the screen and multiple sizes are available.

 Take a look here

Mercedes Class S Show in Shanghai.

This project was a huge event, involving more than 700 people (production, artists, technicians, workers). 45 days for the preparation, 4 days for the setup, 2 days for the reharseals and 2200 guests on the D Day. Gaël Picquet had to coordinate construction, light and sound for the stage area, cocktail areas, after party and a big outdoor display. On the stage, for the main show, he had also to look after video (more than 1240m2 of curved LED screens including a video floor), light (more than 300 lighting fixtures), sound (with an orchestra and 60 choirs), fly systems (6 giant holoscreens, 3 light ring, 1 LED screen of 34m x 11m), 7 aerial performers, 26 cars, 6 professional dancers, 160 mass choregraphy performers and a fragance diffusion in the audience area. An event can't be resume by numbers, but it give an idea of the size...

zondag 2 maart 2014

Spike supersonic business jet swaps windows for a wraparound live-view display.

We're pretty excited about the Spike S-512 supersonic business jet, but this latest feature could potentially make a three-hour Mach 1.6 hop from New York to London a bit nerve-wracking for uneasy fliers. A post on the company's blog this week describes one of the cabin features, a "thin display screen" that's embedded in the wall. Cameras mounted around the jet's exterior will power a panoramic view, which can also be swapped for other images or content that's more conductive to sleep, such as a solid dark color or a starry night scene. Removing the windows helps Spike trim the plane's weight while also reducing drag, enabling faster speeds and boosted fuel efficiency. We don't expect commercial airliners to follow suit, however, so if flying 1,218 mph in a windowless tube is something that strikes your fancy, you'll need to hop aboard an S-512 after the supersonic jet takes to the skies in 2018.