dinsdag 31 juli 2012

Canon’s mixed-reality tech.

Canon begins selling a next-generation form of virtual reality technology known as mixed reality (MR) this month, IEEE Spectrum reports.

Canon’s MR adds computer-generated virtual objects to the real world in real time, at full scale, and in three dimensions. It is initially targeted at engineering groups involved in designing and building new products.

It uses a video see-through head-mounted display (HMD) with two video cameras, one for each eye, to capture video from the real world, which is sent via cable (attached to the HMD) to a computer for integration with the computer-generated graphics or computer-aided-design data to be overlaid.

The synthesized video is then sent back to twin SXGA-resolution displays in the HMD, which reflect the images through an optical system in the helmet and then into the eyes.

Canon will market the MR technology as a complete system, first in Japan, then overseas — possibly as early as the end of the year in the United States, priced at around US $125 000 for the basic system.

maandag 30 juli 2012

PAT Avionics Unveils G-HULP Device.

Italian manufacturer PAT Avionics showed off their laser-generated heads up display at Airventure 2012.

We have seen heads up displays being developed for automobiles. But recently, the PAT Avionics have unveiled their new G-HULP HUD device that uses a laser-based pico projector to display onto a mounted screen. The laser technology ensures color accuracy and brightness. It also allows the HUD to be displayed onto a variety of screens no matter the shape. There aren’t a lot of details available about the projector’s full capabilities, but the entire system is available now for just under $6000.

The digital Olympic Games: Beeb’s giant urban screens will show sporting events.

The BBC is to show continuous coverage of the Olympic Games on its 22 large public screens across Britain.

The digital screens – joint ventures of the public broadcaster, local authorities, and the Olympics organising body LOCOG – are mostly 100-inch LED units, located in major centres such as London, Liverpool, Manchester, Edinburgh and Belfast, as well as some medium-sized cities such as Norwich and Portsmouth.

Daktronics and Philips supplied the screens, which are driven by Capital Networks’ Audience software.

zaterdag 28 juli 2012


The IAC (InterActiveCorp.) company (Chelsea district, Manhattan), is a leading Internet company with more than 50 fast-growing, highly-related internet brands serving loyal consumer audiences that serves up to 307 million unique monthly users. With its various Internet brands, IAC provides "interactive" consumer access to a vast commercial and social internet community. The Frank Gehry-designed building with its distinctive "iceberg" shape is not only a destination because of its unique architecture, but also its lobby as well.

To represent the company's activities, IAC commissioned a set of visual displays to be placed within its lobby areas that truly became the "voice" of its corporate endeavors. The screen technology was unique in that the company selected video rear projection as a basic presentation format for its displays. It was noted that video projection was chosen over LEDs because the viewing situation of a 10-point font at a foot away was a requirement that LED screens are not yet capable of.

The smaller lobby video screen behind the IAC reception desk shows off a complete 360-degree image of the Earth. Visitors are able to interactively activate the globe rotating it to any part of the planet. In doing so, they are able to view various company locations and observe in real-time, its worldwide web traffic as related to IAC business activities.

donderdag 26 juli 2012

The Wall @ Westfield – A Hybrid Outdoor Creative Solution.

Ocean have launched the second stage of the upgrade to one of Westfield London’s most impactful pedestrian sites.

In January The Wall @ Westfield was updated to two impressive 12 x 3 m digital screens. The Wall@Westfield has been further enhanced with the opportunity to now wrap the ENTIRE structure, a colossal 40m x 9m wrap, creating a creative canvas of 360m2.

The Wall @ Westfield offers the combination of giant imagery with the flexibility of digital – a truly unique hybrid opportunity.

Projectors to double brightness with polarisation breakthrough.

Liquid crystal (LC) based projectors could become almost twice as energy efficient and much cheaper as researchers from North Carolina State University in the USA and ImagineOptix Corporation reveal a revolutionary polarising technology. The breakthrough means projectors that rely on batteries will be able to run for almost twice as long and all LC projectors can be made twice as bright.

All LC projectors utilise polarised light. However, researchers say that efficient light sources, such as LEDs, produce unpolarised light. As a result, the light generated by LEDs has to be converted into polarised light before it can be used.

According to NC State researchers, the most common method of polarising light involves passing the unpolarised light through a polarizing filter. They claim that this process wastes more than 50% of the originally generated light, with the bulk of the "lost" light being turned into heat. This is a major reason that projectors get hot and have noisy cooling fans.

The new technology, demonstrated in a small pico projector and developed at NC State, allows approximately 90 percent of the unpolarised light to be polarised and, therefore, used by the projector

"This technology, which we call a polarisation grating-polarisation conversion system (PGPCS), will significantly improve the energy efficiency of LC projectors," said Dr. Michael Escuti, co-author of a paper describing the research and an associate professor of electrical and computer engineering at NC State.

The paper, "Efficient and monolithic polarization conversion system based on a polarization grating," was published July 10 in Applied Optics. The paper was co-authored by Drs. Jihwan Kim and Ravi Komanduri, postdoctoral researchers at NC State; Kristopher Lawler, a research associate at NC State; Jason Kekas, of ImagineOptix Corp.; and Escuti. The research was funded by ImagineOptix, a start-up company co-founded by Escuti and Kekas.

woensdag 25 juli 2012

gemoedsinstelling wijzigen ?

Dat muziek een direct effect heeft op je stemming en humeur, dat wisten we al. Maar ook het effect van beelden in commerciële en openbare plaatsen is er wel degelijk. Beelden hoeven niet enkel gebruikt te worden voor informatie en promotie, maar ook voor inspiratie en beleving. Deze beelden dragen bij tot een intensere beleving die onmiddelijk de zintuigen prikkelt en associaties oproept in de hersenen. Dit artikel illustreert de mogelijkheden.

maandag 23 juli 2012


Just for kids - more info here

PUPPET PARADE: Interactive Kinect Puppets(2011)

Funky Forrest.

Holographic TV.

Holographic tv, the future of 3D tv is coming sooner than you think.

vrijdag 20 juli 2012

44,000 dots.

TNT wanted to launch its new crime show Perception, in style, and we have to give it to 'em, this is pretty cool. Working with professional technological tinkerers, Breakfast, they created a 23 x 12 foot display made up of 44,000 electromagnetic dots. Imagine those ticker boards you see at train stations, jazzed up with a little modern flavor. The dots are white on one side, black on the other, and move at 15 times the speed of their typical rail-station counterparts -- giving a real-time effect. The installation is set up in Manhattan's Herald Square until July 29th, and is fully interactive. When pedestrians walk past, the board updates to reflect their movement, and this "silhouette" interacts with words and images on the screen. Extra sensory stimulation also comes from the noise the board makes, literally letting you hear your movements. If a picture paints a thousand words, then 44,000 dots in a video paints even more. Head past the break to see the beast in action, plus more details on how it was done.

donderdag 19 juli 2012

Audi City.

Automerk Audi gaat twintig cyberstores openen in even zoveel wereldsteden. Daarmee neemt de Duitse autogigant afscheid van de traditionele showroom om deze plaats te laten maken voor een totaal nieuw interactieve winkelbeleving. Grote interactieve videoschermen, touch screens en personeel die de klant ondersteunen door middel van hun iPads vormen de smaakmakers van dit nieuwe concept.

Wereldstad Londen mocht het spits afbijten. Daar ging afgelopen maandag de eerste cyberstore open onder toeziend oog van een keur aan bekende mensen. In de showroom is vrijwel geen enkel model Audi te bespeuren, terwijl toch alle types in alle mogelijke kleurvarianten aanwezig zijn. Niet fysiek, maar wel op interactieve muurvullende videoschermen.

Het ‘Nieuwe Winkelen’ krijgt met deze actie van Audi opnieuw een impuls om neer te dalen in het detailhandelslandschap. Waarom zou een winkel alle modellen en kleuren fysiek aanwezig moeten hebben, terwijl nieuwe media het complete aanbod beschikbaar maakt voor de shopper? Een parade aan producten en modellen is niet voldoende om de aandacht van de klant vast te houden, die wil dolgraag nieuwe impulsen en nieuwe vormen van beleving.

dinsdag 17 juli 2012

Gaming Goodness.

The makers of this utterly fantastic 160-inch behemoth of a wraparound display—a Swedish company called Norman Design—claim the entire rig is actually portable. But since it takes at least an hour to set up, and weighs over 110 pounds, we’d be content with just leaving this permanently assembled in our gaming rooms.
To fill that 160-inches of screen real estate the display uses a series of rear-mounted projectors seamlessly blended together, powered by a sufficiently capable gaming PC running special software.

The results, of course, are stunning. Completely wrapping you in the on-screen action. But there’s a catch, and you can probably easily guess what it is. The screen actually comes as part of an F1 racing simulator kit, complete with a motion-capable seat, that sells for over £75,000.

Utah researchers create 'Spintronic' LED.

University of Utah physicists are applying it in a unique way that may eventually make TVs look even sharper than they do today. The entity is trumpeting a new "spintronic" organic light-emitting diode (that's OLED, for short) that's said to be "cheaper and more environmentally friendly than the kinds of LEDs now used in television and computer displays, lighting, traffic lights and numerous electronic devices." Z. Valy Vardeny is even going so far as to call it a "completely different technology," and better still, a prototype has already been made. The professor expects that the newfangled tech -- which produces an orange glow today -- will be able to product red, blue and white spin OLEDs within a few years.

maandag 16 juli 2012

I screen, you screen.

SPOT komt met een Engels onderzoekwaaruit blijkt dat het gebruik van een second screen het kijken naar TV stimuleert. Het Screen Life onderzoek is opgezet om adverteerders meer inzicht te geven in de context van multi-screening. Onder multi-screening verstaan we het kijken naar TV en het tegelijkertijd gebruiken van een online device zoals laptop, tablet of smartphone. Het onderzoek, dat voor een groot deel gebaseerd is op analyse van video-opname van gezinnen, is uitgevoerd door COG Research onder 2.000 respondenten. Ook andere onderzoeken wijzen er steeds meer op dat we niet genoeg hebben aan één scherm en dat er steeds meer interactie komt tussen de verschillende schermen. Een interessante ontwikkeling in een markt die zo snel groeit

zaterdag 14 juli 2012

Winscape virtual window makes the leap to Kinect in 4K-capable.

RationalCraft brought its surreal Winscape virtual window to market when the Wii was virtually the only game in town for affordable motion tracking. Microsoft's Kinect has certainly changed the rules of the game since then, so it's almost natural that a fourth-generation Winscape has just launched to make use of the much more sophisticated sensor. For a start, there's no need to dress like Flavor Flav anymore: the camera can recognize anyone, even passers-by, without an oversized necklace. The larger-than-life footage used to generate the window effect has been given its own bump, too, and the app can now handle 4K video as long as the Mac underneath (sorry, Windows folks) is powerful enough to drive it. For those who truly want to be disconnected from reality, there's even six-display support provided it's all hooked up to a Mac Pro and a pair of three-output Radeon HD 5770 video cards. RationalCraft's software is free to try out now, although the requirement for at least two big TVs, a Kinect controller and a fast Mac should say all there is to know about the practical cost of pretending the Golden Gate Bridge is visible from inside a living room in Amsterdam.

de 4D speelfilm.

Bron; hdnieuws.blogspot.nl
Een kleine 200 bioscopen in de VS krijgen binnenkort 4d-cinema dankzij de techniek van het Koreaanse CJ Group. De extra dimensie bestaat uit voelen en ruiken. Je voelt de wind als het in de film hard waait en je ruikt geuren die horen bij de actie op het bioscoopdoek. Een 4d-film is wel duurder: de prijs is 8 dollar hoger dan een kaartje voor een 2d of 3d film Bioscopen moeten dan ook investeren in nieuwe apparatuur.

vrijdag 13 juli 2012

T1 Vision table.

A useful product from T1 Visions is the T1 Collaboration Table. It supports touch-screen interaction and can also handle up to four simultaneously connected laptops. The table system provides a media viewer that supports sharing of photos across screens, devices, and surfaces. It also contains a web browser, a presentation viewer, and a whiteboard that is compatible with video conferencing. The company provides customized applications for its clients. In the Charlotte area, some of the tables can be found in restaurants, such as the Mellow Mushroom, Cowfish, and Harpers. A few were recently installed in the Atkins library at UNC-Charlotte, to support group-work among students.

T1 Visions Gallery
T1 Visions: Soci
al Touchscreen Solutions
Interactive tabletops bring people together
Marty Minchin, Charlotte Observer, South Charlotte News, 2/20/12
Interactive Technology in the Carolinas: T-1 Visions Update

donderdag 12 juli 2012

Famous Grouse - Interior Projection.

Projecting your brand in new and innovative ways enables it to really stand out from the competition. Whether it be a famous image, tv ad campaign, signage or mood setting visuals that can be updated we're the experts. Using projections can breathe life into any indoor environment.

MediaZest's mission is to get you noticed through the intelligent and dynamic use of display technology. With heightened visibility comes improved awareness, impact, branding and ultimately sales.

Our ideas and designs can be used in any public space for POS campaigns, permanent displays, exhibitions, product launches... basically anywhere you want to stand out.

We have the resources, expertise and people to take you from creative concept through system design to final installation. Watch our showreel and see how we can sharpen up your image.

Harvest Communications zaait reclame in.

Bron; www.adformatie.nl
Gepatenteerde zaaitechniek uit Noorwegen, maakt 'oogstreclame' nu ook in Nederland mogelijk.
Een door het Noorse bedrijf Kverneland gepatenteerde zaaitechniek, die onder andere werkt op basis van GPS-systemen is ook in Nederland beschikbaar. De techniek maakt het mogelijk om akkerland te exploiteren als reclamemedium. De exploitatie in Nederland wordt gedaan door Harvest Communications.
Na inzaaien van reclameboodschappen op groot formaat (ca. drie hectare) volgt een periode van exposure van drie á zes maanden. Volgens Harvest Communications gaat het om een zeer duurzame manier van communiceren, al was het alleen maar omdat de gewassen uiteindelijk op het bord van de consument belanden.
Bereik wordt opgebouwd door de reclamevlakken in te zaaien bij luchthavens. Bij opstijgen en landen zouden passagiers worden geconfronteerd met de ‘groene’ reclameboodschap. Gemiddeld kost de inzet van deze manier van reclamemaken tussen 35 en 50 duizend euro.
Harvest Communications heeft een inschatting gemaakt van het te behalen bereik per luchthaven. Harvest Communications meldt nog geen concrete Nederlandse projecten.
(De afbeelding met Unox stamt uit 2008 en is tot stand gebracht door Fieldmedia met gebruik van de zaaitechniek van Kverneland.)

woensdag 11 juli 2012

HP gets patent for see-through screen tech.

Hewlett Packard (HP) has taken a major step forward with progression of see-through screen products after it was awarded a US patent for the technology. The product is set to make an impact in automotive, digital signage and desktop display applications with users able to see information on the display and objects behind it. HP has achieved a patent for its specific technology although other display manufacturers, most notably Samsung, have released products in to the market.

Initial reports suggest HP claims to have developed a unique computer screen technology, called the Slat system, and will market the display under the brand ThruScreen.

The company says it using light-reflective slats in between front and back screens to enable light from an image behind the device to come through alongside the images produced on the front screen.

HP filed the patent in 2006 and there are rumours that it plans to couple the developments with flexible display technology, echoing technologies explored in a Samsung demo video that InAVate posted in December 2011.
Bron; www.inavateonthenet.net

dinsdag 10 juli 2012

Microsoft to acquire Perceptive Pixel, pair up with 82-inch touchscreen manufacturer.

Bron; www.engadget.com
Microsoft has already expressed its fondness for Perceptive Pixel's gigantic capacitive touchscreens, which became apparent during a live demo at the company's Windows 8 presentation at Mobile World Congress earlier this year, but now that friendship has become a bit more official. During Microsoft's Worldwide Partner Conference keynote in Toronto this morning, Steve Ballmer announced that Perceptive Pixel would be coming in-house, with Microsoft acquiring the display maker. The move seems to be in line with the company's recent shift to hardware manufacturing, beginning with last month's Surface introduction and its reinforced commitment to the recently renamed PixelSense smart table solution -- MS has just seized an opportunity to get a bit more hands-on.

Sharp’s Flexible IGZO Displays

Firstly, what is IGZO?
IGZO stands for Indium Gallium Zinc Oxide and is a semiconducting material which can be used as the channel for a transparent thin-film transistor. It replaces the material used as an active layer for LCD screens called amorphous silicon. This allows it to have smaller pixels (for screen resolutions higher than HDTV) or much higher reaction speed for a screen.

Sharp has just announced and showcased the IGZO display prototype with 498 PPI. PPI stands for Parallel Peripheral Interface and is a peripheral found on the Blackfin embedded processor. The PPI is a half-duplex, bi-directional port that is designed to connect directly to LCDs, CMOS sensors, CCDs, video encoders (video DACs), video decoders (video ADCs) or any generic high speed, parallel device. (source: Wiki)

The 4.9 inch display is able to achieve a pixel resolution of 720x 1280 or 302 PPI whereas the 6.1 inch display has 2560 x 1600 or 498PPI. They are looking at developing this technology for the commercial market.

The benefits with this technology:

1. More compact and more performance
2. Achieve higher resolutions
3. Lower power consumption
4. Perfect for smartphones

Hopefully we will see this product in the digital signage market in the next few years. Have a look at this video to get a better idea about the technology:

maandag 9 juli 2012

Impossible Animals Museum Exhibit.

PO-MO, a relatively new start-up tech company based in Winnipeg, Canada. According to the company's information, PO-MO "specializes in interactive digital display solutions, including gesture and motion based interactivity, interactive display content creation and management, and large interactive display and projection services for advertisers, educators, and events." 
Po-Motion was a finalist in an elevator pitch video contest last fall. It has several advantages over potential competitors. The system is easy to use, and priced within the range that is affordable for schools, museums, and other cost-conscious groups who would like to provide technology-supported immersive interactive experiences for people of all ages. The PO-MOtion software designed for interactive floors and walls starts at $39.99, and works on any computer, using any USB web camera and a projector. Other applications make use of Kinect sensors.

I especially like one of PO-MO's recent projects, the Impossible Animals Museum Exhibit, created using Unity 3-D, for the Manitoba Children's Museum. How does it work? Children create a colored egg using crayons and paper, which is then scanned into the exhibit and digitally embedded into the system, which includes an interactive wall and floor. When the egg is touched, it is activated to hatch, and then becomes a motion reactive animal. The environment includes things like water, landscapes, and even a spaceship. The system has a "reset world" button for museum staff to use when needed.

LG Display: 55-inch AMOLED TV

http://www.lgdisplay.com/ LGDisplay showcased several new products at SID's Display Week 2012, including the 55 in., full HD OLED TV, which won the Display Week best-in-show award. Also featured was the world's first 5.0 in. full HD mobile screen.

zaterdag 7 juli 2012

The Shard of Glass / laser show.

Shard London Bridge or The Shard (formerly known as London Bridge Tower or the Shard of Glass) is a skyscraper in Southwark, London. Standing 309.6 metres (1,016 ft) above ground level, it is the tallest building in the European Union as of July 2012. It is also the second-tallest free-standing structure in the United Kingdom, after the 330-metre (1,083 ft) concrete tower at the Emley Moor transmitting station.
The Shard replaced Southwark Towers, a 24-storey office building constructed on the site in 1975. Renzo Piano, the Shard's architect, worked with the architectural firm Broadway Malyan during the planning stage. The tower has 72 habitable floors, with a viewing gallery and open-air observation deck -- the UK's highest -- on the 72nd floor, at a height of 245 metres (804 ft). The Shard was designed with an irregular pyramidal shape from the base to the top, and is clad entirely in glass. Its structure was completed in April 2012, and it opened to the public on 5 July 2012.

Welcome to the Shard

3D Mapping Events for Audi.

Stampede Presentation Products of Amherst, N.Y., recently helped Lumina Motion create two spectacular 3D mapping events for the official launches of the Audi A6 and Audi Zentrum in Santiago, Chile.

Audi hired the audiovisual team at Lumina Motion to create show-stopping 3D mapping events for the two separate launches of the new A6 and Zentrum models. Both events required more than three weeks of development and design to create both the physical display surfaces and promotional videos to maximize the visual impact of the 3D mapping technology.

The A6 launch featured a real, full-sized Audi A6 car on a custom built ramp and backdrop, with the car completely enveloped in a flexible projection material. The entire setup was compact enough to travel to four different launch locations including shopping malls and restaurants. Lumina Motion utilized two Christie DHD800 projectors to display a dazzling video that covered every visible inch of the car and stage.

For the Zentrum launch, the company used an adhesive to apply a white vinyl material to cover the side of a building (54 meters wide by 9 meters tall). For this one-time presentation, they deployed eight Christie DHD800 projectors, in stacks of two, to cover the entire building façade in striking high-definition video. The entire setup process, including detailed calibration and exact positioning of the projectors, required four nights of testing and resulted in a picture perfect execution, according to the company.

"3D mapping is becoming a popular way for brands to create jaw-dropping product launches that can be attended by thousands of people and attract a lot of media attention," said Lumina Motion president Gonzalo de la Barra. "In situations like this, every detail must be perfect, which is why selecting the right equipment is as important as having our trained professionals perform the calibration and equipment placement on site. Stampede always gives us good advice on the best equipment to use for each audiovisual presentation we do, and we look forward to a long and profitable relationship with them."

Lumina Motion is a development-oriented team that specializes in next generation audiovisuals and experiential marketing solutions, including Interactive, 3D mapping, beamvertising, 360-degree indoor projection and monumental projection solutions. Lumina Motion started operations in California in June 2012 to serve the U.S. market.

donderdag 5 juli 2012

3D Holographic Water Show for Nissan.

Bron; http://en.ooh-tv.com
To mark the end of Canada Day’s celebrations, Newad Experiential, OMD and TBWA designed the country’s first 3D Water Screen Projection campaign for the 2013 Nissan Altima.

The projections took place in Ottawa, Toronto, Halifax and Vancouver, where people had gathered along shorelines to watch the traditionnal fireworks.

The ad was specifically designed by TBWA. The Newad Experiential team developed the concept and executed the technical operation in collaboration with OMD (media planning).

“OMD and Nissan approached Newad to collaborate in the creation of this innovative brand activation. This initiative is perfectly in line with our expertise in developing 360 campaigns to reach Young and Affluent adults. While our experiential marketing team helped with the live activation, our Web and Publishing teams made sure the experience lived on after the event” adds Lino Ricco, Vice-President & Regional General Manager – Central Canada. “A video of the execution is being promoted on social medias and in Newad’s indoor digital network”

dinsdag 3 juli 2012

BMW Head-Up Display.

Een seconde en 28 meter. Zo lang duurt het om de blik van de weg af te wenden en "100" van de snelheidsmeter af te lezen. Over een afstand van 28 meter kan veel gebeuren. Het BMW Head-Up Display projecteert de actuele snelheid op de voorruit, direct in uw gezichtsveld - uw blik blijft op de weg gericht.

Projecting onto bubbles opens doors for interactive, 3D, flexible displays.

Bron; www.inavateonthenet.net

Images and film have been projected onto bubbles in a move that could have a significant effect on the live events and visitor attraction industries. Soap film, used by a researcher at the University of Tokyo, is being dubbed as the world's thinnest screen and could be employed to create illusionary-type images, similar to those produced using the Pepper's ghost technique

Yoichi Ochiai, from the University of Tokyo has worked with researchers from Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Tsukuba to demonstrate how ultrasonic sound waves can control the transparency of the bubble, which is created from a colloidal solution. The transparent properties of the film can be utilised to create a 3D screen using multiple membranes but one projector.
Controlling the transparency means surface texture and reflectance can be altered to create realistic material surfaces.
Furthermore, objects can be passed through the screen without breaking the membrane opening the doors to interactive applications.
The team will present the new technology in August at Siggraph 2012, Los Angeles, USA.
Further information can be found on Yoichi Ochiai’s blog

A Look Back at the Rise of the iPhone.

Today marks the 5 year anniversary of the first iPhone release, an important milestone not only for Apple but for the entire mobile industry. This revolutionary device set the stage for explosive growth in the smartphone market, drastically changing the complexion of the mobile industry and, consequently, the entire digital landscape in just a few short years. In July 2007, barely 9 million Americans owned a smartphone – representing just 4 percent of the entire mobile market. Today nearly 110 million Americans own a smartphone and by the end of the year smartphone owners will become the new mobile majority in the U.S.

Today, iOS ranks as the second largest smartphone platform in the U.S. after Android, commanding 31.9 percent share of the market with its 35.1 million iPhone owners in May according to comScore MobiLens. During the last five years, Apple has introduced five different versions of the iPhone and extended its reach beyond AT&T to other major carriers, including Verizon and Sprint. A more detailed look at the iPhone ecosystem by device generation found that nearly 3 in every 4 iPhone owners currently uses the iPhone 4 or iPhone 4S, with the iPhone 4 accounting for the largest overall share at nearly 40 percent of iOS smartphones in May 2012. The original iPhone released on June 29, 2007 now accounts for just 2 percent of current iOS smartphone owners, with new generations of the device making the original virtually obsolete.

As with many consumer electronics products, early adopters of the iPhone skewed male, young to middle age and wealthier than the average consumer. In 2007, 61 percent of iPhone owners were male, more than half were between the ages of 25-44 and 48 percent had a household income of $100,000 or greater.

As the iPhone reached critical mass and gained wider consumer adoption – supported in part by the introduction of new device generations, lower price points, availability through more wireless carriers and a general consumer movement toward smartphone adoption – iPhone owners, too, have evolved. In May 2012, females accounted for a much more prominent share of iPhone owners at 47 percent vs. 53 percent males. Though people age 25-44 still represent a strong percentage of the iPhone user base at 46 percent, the youngest and oldest age segments have witnessed the largest increases in overall share. And while those earning $100,000 and greater still command a hefty portion of the audience, users with income levels of $50,000-$75,000 represented the fastest growing audience income segment, now accounting for nearly 1 in every 5 iPhone owners.

The smartphone market, with the iPhone at the center of it, has witnessed incredible growth and evolution over the last five years, creating a strong foundation for the rise of the mobile media consumer and creating value for players across the ecosystem. With consumer adoption on the rise and the continued integration of new, innovative technologies, we can only imagine what the next five years will bring. But despite how quickly leadership positions can change in this market, something tells me that iPhone will still be blazing new trails into the future...

maandag 2 juli 2012

CBS Outdoor Installs First Roadside Digital Screens.

CBS Outdoor UK has launched its first roadside digital site in London. Named Site 76 – because 76 million people will see its screens every year -, it is situated on the M4.
Simon Harrington, Marketing Director, CBS Outdoor said “Whilst our roadside competitors name their screens after the shape of the structure, we are very much an audience led business and regard ourselves as platform agnostic. It was important therefore for the name of the new site to reflect our positioning in the market. We deliver urban audience engagement and will continue to look for strategic

Site 76 features two high-definition, LED screens – provided by Prismaflex- boasting wide angle visibility, with a width of 7.7 metres and a height of 2.8 metres. The east- and west-facing screens stand on the elevated section of the Chiswick roundabout at Junction 1 of the M4 and can be seen from 150 metres away.
An average of 133,780 vehicles pass the site on a daily basis, impacting 2.5 million people every fortnight. This encompasses both domestic and international audiences travelling to and from Heathrow Airport.